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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

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CIOFF website and mail system update.

(EN) We inform our members and interested parties that the current website is being updated as well as our email system. If you have queries about a National Section information, please reach to info@cioff.org

(ES) Informamos a nuestros miembros e interesados ??que el sitio web actual está siendo actualizado así como nuestro sistema de correo electrónico. Si tienen consultas sobre la información de una Sección Nacional, comuníquese con info@cioff.org

(FR) Nous informons nos membres et parties intéressées que le site Internet actuel est en cours de mise à jour ainsi que notre système de courrier électronique. Si vous avez des questions sur les informations d'une section nationale, veuillez contacter info@cioff.org

Date of publication: 10.07.2024

Bruno Ravnikar – In memoriam

(written by Peter Suhadolc, Trieste - Italy)

We are hear to remember the Master, colleague and dear friend Bruno, very well known Slovenian choreographer, expert on chinetography and, overall, the folklore enthusiast who left us at the beginning of last June, at the venerable age of almost 93

Bruno was a physicist by profession with a doctorate in electrical sciences. Specializing in acoustics, he taught this discipline for many years at the University of Ljubljana and at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. He transferred this passion to the folklore field by intensively studying the acoustics of popular instruments.

He approached folklore in the 1950s by joining the Tine Rožanc group, of which he became director in 1957. Then in 1967 he founded the Emona group. He was therefore one of the pioneers after the Second World War in promoting folk dance. He researched and wrote down many Slovenian dances and created various choreographies for various Slovenian folk groups.

However, Bruno was best known for having introduced, for Slovenian folk dances, chinetography, a dance annotation technique. In fact he was one of the greatest specialists in this field worldwide. In 1969 he wrote his first manual on the choreography of folk dances and in 1980 his manual Kinetografija appeared, in which he also published 300 folk dances from the area of former Yugoslavia.

In 2004 he wrote his second book Kinetografija, ples in gib (Chinetography, dance and movements) perfecting the first manual and adding chinetographies of medieval and social dances.

On the initiative of the then president of the Italian Folklore Union, Bruno prepared, similar to the folklore seminars held in Slovenia and where folklore dances and chinetography are taught, a seminar dedicated to Italian folklore dances. This initiative took place in Russi, near Ravenna, from December 2006 to May 2007. The cooperation continued also in 2009 in a similar seminar held near Udine, were folklore dances from Friuli Venezia Giulia were studied. For those seminars a manual about chinetography, in Italian, was prepared. In the following years annotations of folklore dances from various Italian regions were prepared. This amount of work led to the publication in 2012 of the large book Chinetography and popular dance.
In 1970 Bruno Ravnikar was one of the founders of CIOFF®, International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts, of which after 50 years of commitment, first as the Yugoslavian and then Slovenian delegate, he became an honorary member.
After Slovenian independence, he founded the Zveza ljudskih tradicijskih skupin Slovenije (Union of Slovenian folk tradition groups), the Slovenian National Section of CIOFF®, of which he was president for many years.

Date of publication: 11.09.2023


INTERNATIONAL CIOFF® FESTIVAL MEDITERRANEAN CULTURES CORFU FROM 6-10 SEPTEMBER 202 The Greek National Section of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts - CIOFF®, official partner of UNESCO, the Ionian University and the Educational & Cultural Association of Sinies – Corfu (Member of CIOFF® Greece) are organizing the International CIOFF® Festival of Mediterranean Cultures, in Corfu, 6-10 September 2023.

The International Festival is the flagship Festival of CIOFF® South European Sector which takes place every 4 years, through which the Sector’s Members are cooperating for the cultural heritage of their countries.

In this year’s edition of the International CIOFF® Festival of Mediterranean Cultures, participating dance and music groups from Albania, Algeria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Tunisia, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, including groups from other CIOFF® Sectors to present the total Mediterranean Culture. Also, CIOFF® International President, Mr Alejandro Camacho Gonzalez will join the Festival, Mrs. Anna Maria Boileau, Sector’s Representative and CIOFF® National Delegates, Representatives and Youth from other Members of the South European Sector will also participate, increasing the number of the participating countries to more than 20!

More than 450 dancers, musicians, folk artists, University Professors, and researchers from the Mediterranean countries, will present - in a multicultural feast with musical instruments and folk costumes - the intangible cultural heritage of Mediterranean, with music and dance performances, video mapping, exhibitions, dance and gastronomic workshops, scientific conference, economic forum, and other events!

The Festival is under the Patronage of the H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic, Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou, and it is organized in support of the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention (2003) on Intangible Cultural Heritage.

According to the Festival’s program, various events will take place in Corfu Island from 6 to 10 of September.

Opening Ceremony, Festival’s parade, Main stages with dance and music performances with the participation of 16 groups.

- Exhibition with Wedding traditional costumes from Mediterranean countries in the frame of CIOFF® International Cultural Project “Wedding Living Traditions”).

- Exhibitions with paintings inspired by Mediterranean Sea created by students and with paintings and sculptures by French Artist Mr. Charles Stratos.

- Photo Exhibition by Photography Team.

- Traditional Musical Instruments photo exhibition by CIOFF® Youth

- Dance, Music, and Handicrafts workshops.

Moreover, one Scientific Conference of ICH, an Economic Forum, a scientific lecture about olive oil in the Mediterranean area and a Seminar on Greek Traditional Dances will compose the total program.

Special events for the participants and the audience will also be organized.

The Festival is organized in cooperation with the Region of Ionian Islands, the Ionian Islands Regional Union of Municipalities, the Municipality of Central Corfu, Paxi and Diapontian Islands, the Municipality of Northern Corfu. It is supported by the Ministry of Culture (Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Greece), the Ministry of Tourism, the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO, the Greek National Tourism Organization, the Central Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce, the Chamber of Corfu, the Agri-food Partnership of the Region of Ionian Islands, the UNESCO Chair of Ionian University, the Dpt of Audio & Visual Arts, the Dpt of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting, the Dpt of Archives, Library Science and

Museology, the Dpt of Digital Media and Communication, the Dpt of Networks and Telecommunications of the Ionian University, the Institute of Hellenic Music Heritage, the Academy of Art in Szczecin in Poland, the Association for the Support of Art, Science and Technology Development MEDEA (Poland), the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava Czech Republic, the Philharmonic Society of Corfu (“Palaia”), the Cultural Society of Corfu Town “SAN GIACOMO”. It is also being held with the support of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Corfu, the Museum of Asian Art, the Holy Metropolis of Corfu, Paxi and Diapontian Islands, the Corfu Port Organization, the Corfu Hotel Union, the Corfu Old Scouts Union, the Corfu Chefs’ Club, the Hellenic Red Cross, the General Clinic “Mastoras” and the General Clinic “Therapia”.

The media sponsors of the event are the Greek National Radio and TV Broadcasting [E.R.T.] and the local E.R.T. in Corfu, Corfu Chanel, Star TV Corfu, Corfu News, MyKerkyra.com, sindetiras.gr, corfuland.gr, Corfu Press, “Kerkira Simera”, “Enimerosi”, “Paratiritis tis Paradosis”, Adeti.gr, Kyma FM 90,3.

Please follow the official pages of the Festival.

During the Festival (Opening Ceremony, Scientific Conference, Dance Performances, and other activities) will be presented through YouTube Channel - Live Streaming!

https://twitter.com/corfumedfest https://www.facebook.com/corfumedfest https://www.instagram.com/corfumedfest https://www.youtube.com/@corfumedfest

> Official Website

Date of publication: 04.09.2023

Expression of Sympathie

Expression of Sympathie With great sadness and pain we say goodbye to
Jerzy Chmiel

Icon of the polish and world CIOFF ® , long-term President of the Presidium of the Polish Section of CIOFF ® and First Vice President of the Conseil International des Organizations de Festivals de Folklore et d'Arts Traditionnels
or almost all his life, he was fully engaged in promoting music, dance and the tradition of polish folklore and the protection of intangible cultural heritage.
A wonderful, very sensitive man, a true friend. Memories of many fantastic years of work will remain with us and heartfelt gratitude and remembrance all who had the honor of meeting him on the roads of your life.
Presidium of Polish Section CIOFF® International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Art.
We inform you that funeral ceremonies took place on April 20, 2023 in Warsaw. By the will of the deceased only in the presence immediate family.
We convey the request of the family not to offer condolences and no contacting its members.

Date of publication: 23.04.2023

CIOFF® delegation in CIOFF® during the 17th Session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Commity held in Rabat, Morocco.

CIOFF® delegation in CIOFF® during the 17th Session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Commity held in Rabat, Morocco. Successful week for CIOFF® during the 17th Session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Commity for Intangible Cultural Heritage safeguarding held in Rabat, Morocco.

Around 1000 people attended the meeting as well as 217 NGOs accredited to this Committee. As usual, Committee discussed more than 50 nominations to be put on the UNESCO ICH lists. Paralelly, the UNESCO ICH-NGO Forum had daily meetings including the elections of the Executive Board (new members from Europe, Asia and International NGO were elected).

CIOFF® delegation took part of Important achievements within the Committee and the ICH-NGO Forum meetings, which keep positiong us as a commited organization for ICH safeguarding:


Date of publication: 02.12.2022

Dr. Alejandro Camacho Gnzalez is the new president

Dr. Alejandro Camacho Gnzalez is the new president During the 51° CIOFF® General Assembly held in Puerto Vallarta - Mexico, the attending delegates elected new members for some of the council vacant positions, namely:

Alejandro Camacho from Mexico, CIOFF® International was elected to serve the organizaion as the president
Bart Dewitte from Belgium, was elected as CIOFF® International treasurer
Laura López from Colombia, was elected as chairperson of the Youth Coordinating Committee

Congratulations to the new council members!

Date of publication: 12.11.2022

The cultural conference

The cultural conference
During 10 of November night, we finished the Cultural Conference component with the film "Querétaro, tierra viva" from Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro folklore group, showing different traditional living dances through a professional documentary. Thanks to Dolores Zúñiga, director of the UAQ folklore group for sharing this.
Later that night, child ensemble from Vallarta Azteca Folklore Group had a presentation for the attendees of the World Congress and hotel guests, showing the importance of children participation within cultural and especially folklore activities. Thanks for their amazing performance!

Date of publication: 11.11.2022

child ensemble from Vallarta Azteca Folklore Group

 child ensemble from Vallarta Azteca Folklore Group During 10 of November night, child ensemble from Vallarta Azteca Folklore Group had a presentation for the attendees of the World Congress and hotel guests, showing the importance of children participation within folklore activities. Thanks for their amazing performance!

Date of publication: 11.11.2022

Cioff world congress summary of 9.11.2022

Cioff world  congress summary of 9.11.2022 During 09 November during the first session of the General Assembly, the cultural conference took place around Mexican ICH: Day of the Death celebration in Michoacán led by José Felipe Martínez and the costume evolution from the Jarabe Tapatío led by Ismael García.

Later that day, we had the presentation of Best Practices with participation of the following countries:
Colombia - National Youth Meeting of CIOFF® Colombia (by Nicolás Andrade)
Italy - CIOFF® Italy and the Conference of Intangible Cultural Heritage (by Francesco Mallozzi)
Canada - The Community Folk Art Council of Toronto (by Catherine Limbertie)
Austria - Teaching and Preserving Austrian Folk Dances in digital format using and creating an APP - (by Gunther Lippitz).
Estonia - Call-to-action “Let’s Get Mumming!” (by Monika Tomingas)

Thanks to everyone for their participation and important contribution to these activities.

Date of publication: 10.11.2022

51° CIOFF® General Assembly in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

51° CIOFF® General Assembly in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico During the night of 08 november we had the Opening Ceremony with the presence of Mr. Luis Escoto, director Vallartense Cultural Institute and Mr. Mario Limón in representation of Jalisco state Governor. CIOFF® EXCO and council members, as well as the national delegates with their teams attended to declare the official begin of the 51° CIOFF® General Assembly in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Thanks to CIOFF® Mexico for hosting this special event and welcome to all the participant countries

Date of publication: 09.11.2022

the Central and North European Sector (CNES) of CIOFF® during the 51st CIOFF World Congress in Mexico

the Central and North European Sector (CNES) of CIOFF® during the 51st CIOFF World Congress in Mexico The meeting of the Central and North European Sector (CNES) of CIOFF during the 51st CIOFF® World Congress in Mexico was buzzing with discussion in a friendly and collaborative atmosphere today. National delegates had an opportunity to explore the reports of the Cultural, Festival and Children’s Commissions.
It was also decided that three Silver Pins should be awarded to Polish members of CIOFF® It was a day full of co-operation and hard work by all involved. Well done and good luck for the rest of the Congress!

Date of publication: 09.11.2022


Hybrid CIOFF ASIA & PACIFIC SECTOR MEETING On 8th November 2022, CIOFF ® ASIA PACIFIC SECTOR (Hybrid meeting) was held among the members of Asia and the Pacific Nations.
CIOFF ® International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts - CIOFF® is an Official Partner of UNESCO, accredited to the UNESCO ICH Committee. CIOFF is working in all five continents through its various National Sections. CIOFF® is an Official Partner of UNESCO, accredited to the UNESCO ICH Committee. Created in 1970, the duty of CIOFF® is safeguarding, promotion and diffusion of traditional culture and folklore.
ASIA PACIFIC SECTOR (Hybrid meeting) was held among the members of Asia and the Pacific Nations.
The Meeting was organized during the 51st CIOFF World General Assembly in Puerto Vallarta – Mexico. Meeting was held in the presence of Dr. Udomsak (Thailand), Muammer, Savas, Valeria, Saqr (UAE), Catherine (Chinese Taipei), Jay (Korea),Yanan (China) and
Pawan Kapoor (India).

The meeting was started with the Greetings and agenda proposals, followed by the discussions related to Agenda from the Execo, sector work and other important points regarding the world activities and the different work of the Asia and Pacific sector.
During the meeting, Proposals from various new NS were discussed, next APS meeting, upcoming 1st Asia Pacific Youth Folklore Festival in 2023.
More focused on various inward and outward communications among the members and Ns of various se

Date of publication: 09.11.2022

Youth activities during the 51° World Congress in Puerto Vallarta - México

Youth activities during the 51° World Congress in Puerto Vallarta - México From 4 to 7 November, CIOFF® youth members from 13 countries participated in different activities that helped to strengthen our ties as cultural leaders.

Youth meeting where the youth delegates presented reports on their activities, shared ideas for future projects and voted for the chairperson of Youth Coordinating Committee 2022 - 2023: Mss. Laura López from Colombia

Cultural activities in different schools in the city, sharing culture with children from different ages who were able to learn traditional games, traditional masks, work on the coloring book and participate in dance workshops. And the building of an altar to celebrate Day of the Death.

Thanks a lot to CIOFF Juvenil México for their support and great job organizing all the activities.

See you next year in Croatia!! ????

Date of publication: 09.11.2022

Laura Lopez is the new CIOFF® youth president

Laura Lopez is the new  CIOFF® youth president 51 CONGRESS CIOFF® NEWS

On Saturday, November 5th, the second CIOFF® youth meeting took place.

we had the opportunity to witness the Projection of Youth reports by commissions, planning of future activities and elections for the presidency.

We had the presence of 11 countries and 2 that sent their Proxy

In total, the 13 countries considered were in favor of naming our beloved Laura López from CIOFF® COLOMBIA as Young CIOFF® World President.

Date of publication: 08.11.2022

51st CIOFF World Congress in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco; Mexico.

51st CIOFF World Congress in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco; Mexico. 51st CIOFF World Congress in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco; Mexico.

We want to thank Dr. Ismael García Ávila, President of CIOFF Mexico and his entire team for his work in organizing such an important event.

See you in Puerto Vallarta
51e Congrès mondial du CIOFF à Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco ; Mexique.

Nous tenons à remercier le Dr Ismael García Ávila, président du CIOFF Mexique et toute son équipe pour leur travail dans l'organisation d'un événement aussi important.

Rendez-vous à Puerto Vallarta
Congreso Mundial de CIOFF en Puerto Vallarta , Jalisco; México.

Queremos dar las gracias al Dr. Ismael García Ávila, Presidente de CIOFF México y a todo su equipo por su trabajo en la organización de tan importante evento.

Nos vemos en Puerto Vallarta

Date of publication: 19.10.2022



Agradecemos nos colaboren al compartir loa links de las actividades diarias, que nos permite que más personas puedan visualizar la calidad de los *GRUPOS CIOFF*... Sus comentarios y likes en las transmisiones fortalecen nuestro trabajo que, durante 24 años, se ha esforzado por difundir, promocionar y fortalecer el *PATRIMONIO CULTURAL INMATERIAL DE LOS PUEBLOS DEL MUNDO*

Con Cariño...
Alejandro Camacho
Selene Montaño

> https://fb.watch/gf27pBvfDv/

Date of publication: 19.10.2022

30 years ago - Tradional Costume Museum

30 years ago - Tradional Costume Museum Today, October 12, exactly 30 years ago we inaugurated the Universal Traditional Costume Museum within the framework of the World Assembly held in Santa Fe.

Thanks to those who believed in and supported the project bycontributing their dolls with scale costumes, the land of theircountries and other important elements of their culture.

The Museum continues to grow and we have held more than 40 exhibitions in different cities and provinces of Argentina and one in Paraguay. We are a dream come

> 30 years ago

Date of publication: 13.10.2022

51st CIOFF WORLD CONGRESS - Save the Date

November 3 – 13, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

People from all over the world coming together for the strengthening, promotion and dissemination of Folklore and Intangible Cultural Heritage in the spirit of peace and friendship.

CIOFF Family, let’s get together in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico from November 3 – 13.
See you there!

Date of publication: 01.10.2022

Folklorama is thrilled to announce that they have been honoured by the International Festivals

Folklorama is thrilled to announce that they have been honoured by the International Festivals Association (IFEA), winning silver for the Best
Virtual Festival/Event for the 2021 Folklorama Safe at Home: The Virtual Experience series, and
a bronze for Best Sponsor Activation for the 2021 Folklorama One Unified Virtual Experience.
One Multi-Cultural Fusion Event. The award was given out at the Associations conference last
night in McAllen, Texas.
“Folklorama is beaming with pride to have won silver and bronze awards, competing against
some of the largest Festivals internationally,” states Teresa Cotroneo, Executive Director,
Folklorama. “These awards are truly a reflection of what Folklorama accomplished during the
pandemic. Through the hard work and dedication of our members and operations staff we
were able to keep the mission and vision of Folklorama top of mind.”
Each year, the International Festivals & Events Association recognizes outstanding
accomplishments and top-quality creative, promotional, operational and community outreach
programs and materials produced by Festivals and events around the world, with the IFEA/Haas
& Wilkerson Pinnacle Awards Competition. From events large or small, cities, Festivals,
chambers, universities, parks & recreation departments, vendors & suppliers, and everything in
between, entries are categories into organizations with similar sized budgets.
Folklorama is currently planning the 52nd Festival. It will be held August 6-19, 2023. For more
information, visit Folklorama.ca.
Folklorama began in 1970 as a one-time celebration of Manitoba’s centennial but has since
grown to be the largest and longest-running multicultural festival of its kind in the world.
Developing out of the success of the Festival, the organization offers year-round programs:
Folklorama at Home, Folklorama at Work, Folklorama at School, Folklorama at Play. All the
programs bring to life Folklorama’s mission of celebrating diversity and promoting cultural
understanding. Learn more at Folklorama.ca.
Folklorama gratefully acknowledges that we create, connect, and celebrate on Treaty One
territory – original land of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Ojibway, Dene, Dakota peoples, and
homeland of the Métis nation. We are committed to building relationships and sharing
knowledge, and cultural understanding of all communities. Understanding our diversity fosters
pride and mutual respect.

> Here is the link for the full series

Date of publication: 27.09.2022

ANKA RAIC, CIOFF® Bosnia and Hercegovina, is the winner of Jeonju International Award (JIPACH) 2022 for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)

ANKA RAIC, CIOFF® Bosnia and Hercegovina, is the winner of Jeonju International Award (JIPACH) 2022 for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) ANKA RAIC, CIOFF® Bosnia and Hercegovina, is the winner of Jeonju International Award (JIPACH) 2022 for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)

Center for International Culture Studies in Jeonju city (South Korea) launched on the March 1st 2022 the Jeonju International Award for Promoting ICH. The award shall go to individuals or groups that practice good safeguarding practices of ICH in their own country.

Anka Raic is very active for many years in multi ethnic society in Bosnia and Hercegovina - she carried on many projects on local, regional and national levels in order to safeguard ICH and promote traditions.
Anna Maria Boileau, Sector Representative of South European Sector and Magdalena Tovornik, Representative of CIOFF® to UNESCO supported her candidature and sent letters of support (asked by the organizer).
Her work was recognized and awarded by the jury-composed of UNESCO facilitators and experts.
The official ceremony will take place on the 19. October 2022 in Jeonju, South Korea.

Date of publication: 06.08.2022

CIOFF® Marathon "Folklore at a Distance" starts this Sunday

CIOFF® Marathon
You are welcome to join all the workshops of "Folklore at a Distance" this Sunday and Monday.
7.08 and 8.08 Latin American and Carribean workshops "Use of the Handkerchief in Latin American Folk Dances".
The workshops are broadcast on the Facebook of CIOFF® (www.facebook.com/cioff.ngo) and of Folklor a Distancia Internacional CIOFF (www.facebook.com/fdicioff).
If you wish to participate in the live workshops through Zoom and receive a certificate, then please register here: https://forms.gle/evzaJ8W6XLYPftY58.

8.08 pre-recorded workshops of Europe and Asia "Tastes of the World" and North America "Indigenous and Metis Traditions of North America".
The workshops are broadcast on the Facebook of CIOFF® (www.facebook.com/cioff.ngo) and on Youtube's channel CIOFF® TV for Living Traditions (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXS1fza_Wsp-PjE-LUvs30Q).

You can find the full line-up in the attachment. You are welcome to forward it to your members!

> CIOFF® Marathon "Folklore at a Distance" starts this Sunday

Date of publication: 04.08.2022

Save the date 7-8/8/2022

Save the date 7-8/8/2022 "Dear folklore friends from all over the world!

On the 7th and 8th of August we’re celebrating CIOFF®’s (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts) birthday and we’re inviting all of you to celebrate with us! For the third year in a row we will celebrate with sharing folklore workshops from all over the world - “Folklore at Distance”.
This year we will have workshops on different themes - you have the possibility to learn about the tastes, handicrafts and dances of the world.
Save the date on your calendar and more information is coming soon!"

Date of publication: 09.07.2022

Welcome to the Netherlands

Welcome to the Netherlands
Sector Meeting CIOFF® Central and Northern Europe
Fifteen delegates (Czech Republic, Israel, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Austria, Estonia, Netherlands, Romania, Ukraine, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Slovakia and United Kingdom) took part in the meeting of the Central and North European Sector of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF®.
During the three days, national delegates discussed the future activity and situation of CIOFF® organisation in our region. There were six different sessions: reports of cultural, festival and legal commissions; information from CIOFF Council action for the last year; our financial situation; the relationship with UNESCO; PR and marketing strategies and preparing for the next General Assembly in Puerto Vallarta (Mexico) in November 2022.
‘I'm very grateful for this meeting. After the pandemic restrictions, we had the opportunity to meet again in person. It's a hard time for our organisation; however, I strongly believe that CIOFF® still holds a strong position within worldwide cultural societies.’ - Ms. Susanne Kramer, chair of Central and North European Sector explained.
In addition to administrative work, the delegates had the opportunity to participate in a folk show: "Welkom in Nederland" directed by Guus van Kan. Ninety minutes of dance, music and song created an unforgettable experience, which allowed us to know the culture of the Netherlands better. Eight groups from all parts of Netherland showed the colorful power of folklore.
‘Our intention was to integrate the Netherlands’ groups for one art project - and it worked! I'm so proud of that. Our international guests discovered how diverse our traditions are.’ - Mr. David Ramon Kloosterhuis, CIOFF® Netherlands President explained.

> http://www.facebook.com/cioffnederland

Date of publication: 02.06.2022

Polish Section of CIOFF with new presidium!

Polish Section of CIOFF with new presidium! Members and delegates representing more than 100 groups and organizations from Poland elected new authorities during the 15th General Congress of Polish National Section of International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF®.
After 30 years of activity Mr. Jerzy Chmiel has become a honorary member of the organization. He was the President of PS CIOFF® (1992-2022) and former vice president of CIOFF® World (1991-2013). New presidium is the next good chapter in the future history of the Polish Section of CIOFF®
The 15th General Congress of PS CIOFF® was held from April 26 to April 28, 2022 at the premises of Polish National Song and Dance Ensemble "Slask" in Koszecin (Silesian Voivodeship). 47 delegates took part in the meeting. During special sessions they settled the terms of future goals of PS CIOFF®.
Polish Section of CIOFF® is one of the most recognizable folklore organization in Poland. We try to protect tangible and intangible heritage of polish dances, music, vocals and handicrafts tradition – Mr. Piotr Szewczyk, newly elected vice-president of PS CIOFF® explains.
Polish CIOFF® has organizational traditions starting from the very beginning of CIOFF® World. Mr. Michal Kosinski from Poland was one of the founders of the organization and the country was in the team of 11 first founder countries.
The new presidium includes:
Jan Losakiewicz - President (Warszawa)
Piotr Szewczyk – Vice-president (Myslenice)
Marcin Bochenek – Vice-president (Biala Podlaska)
Leszek Choluj - Treasurer (Katowice)
Bozena Baranowska - Secretary (Lublin)
Jan Galasinski - Member of the Presidium (Poznan)
Poland organizes 17 CIOFF® International Festivals which have good worldwide opinion. Currently the organization associates 102 folklore groups, 55 experts of regional dances and music, national dances and costumes.
author: Piotr Szewczyk, CIOFF® Poland
Photos: Wojciech Korpusik

Date of publication: 08.05.2022

Best ICH Practices During The Pandemic

Best ICH Practices During The Pandemic Dear friends all over the world!

As Winston Churchill was working to form the United Nations after WWII, he famously said “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. That is also our plan - to gather the great things in the ICH field that have been done during the pandemic.

People sent in examples of best ICH practices during the pandemic and we have three presentation days - 27.03 6 pm CET (GMT +1) in French, 10.04 6 pm CET (GMT +1) in English and 24.04 4 pm (GMT -3) in Spanish.

The topics you will hear about:

- sharing, teaching or keeping ICH alive;

- keeping the groups alive;

- organising festivals during the pandemic.

The presentations will be shared on the Facebook page of CIOFF®: https://www.facebook.com/CIOFF.NGO

And later published to the Youtube page of CIOFF®.

Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/48ixYLDAL

The events are organized by the Cultural Commission of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF®).

Date of publication: 08.04.2022

Happy new 2022 Dear CIOFF friends

Happy new 2022 Dear CIOFF friends 2021 has been an important year within the constant growth of CIOFF, both in the national sections and internationally.
We can be proud that CIOFF's accreditation with UNESCO for the Intangible Cultural Heritage ICH has been renewed for the next 4 years. This accreditation obtained in 2012, renewed every 4 years since then, is committed to the seriousness of CIOFF in promoting the ICH through its network of festivals and folk groups around the world.
The successes obtained both in the VI World Folkloriada in Bashkortostan (Russia), and in the world congress that we lived in Budapest - Hungary, invite us to move forward with hope and strength to continue building a promising present and future. We are aware that we must continue to maintain important care and protection in health matters in order to continue promoting peace through these important events. I am sure that we will continue to advance together with firm and safe steps! Likewise, the designation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation as the venue for the first CIOFF Children's Folkloriada in 2024, is a great challenge to which a great success is projected, such as it was for the world Folkloriada of July 2021!
On my behalf and on behalf of the members of the CIOFF World Council, please receive our sincere congratulations for this New Year and a fraternal hug.

Date of publication: 08.01.2022

Philippe Beaussant: accreditation given by UNESCO ICH to CIOFF® for another four years

Philippe Beaussant: accreditation given by UNESCO ICH to CIOFF® for another four years Renewal of the accreditation given by UNESCO ICH to CIOFF® for another four years.
Announced by the president Philippe Beaussant.
Dear friends from CIOFF
We hope that you are doing well !
You all know that the 16th UNESCO ICH Committee met in Paris from 12 to 18 December;
For CIOFF it was very important to follow this meeting -online- because as you know we asked for the renewal of our accreditation!
we are happy to announce that today UNESCO ICH committee decided to prolong our accreditation for next 4 years.. ( We have it from 2012)
This is a great achievment for our organization and we are sure that our relation with UNESCO will even improve in the future !
Thanks to Magdalena Tovornik and Laura Lopez for their important work in this field and also thanks to those national sections which helped to fullfill the questionnaire !
We will present the whole reports on those meetings to all national sections during our next congress ;
- NGOs ICH Forum meetings and - UNESCO ICH committee meetings
Wishing you all the best ! take care of you !
KInd regards,
Magdalena Tovornik - Philippe Beaussant

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFNSveS4SDc

Date of publication: 18.12.2021

Traditional Musical Instruments, sharing experiences from the field

Traditional Musical Instruments, sharing experiences from the field The ICH-NGO Forum has launched the new edition of the Live Heritage Series, this time on traditional musical instruments. CIOFF® is present again with an article about furruco and cirrampla instruments in Colombia, which you can read in link below.

Eivind Falk, Editor-In-Chief – #HeritageAlive:

The #HeritageAlive in cooperation with ICHCAP, are proud to present our new publication, a new book in the Living Heritage Series – Traditional Musical Instruments: Sharing Experiences from the field.

#HeritageAlive is one of the ICH NGO Forum’s many wonderful activities. First time #HeritageAlive joined forces with ICHCAP, was the publication of Traditional Medicine in 2017, and in 2019 we made a book on traditional food. This book, with the topic Traditional musical instruments, was made with contributions of fifteen writers, representing different NGOs, from countries across the globe. The authors describe the current status of traditional musical traditions and provide insight in safeguarding activities of these traditions in the spirit of the 2003 Convention. The main project has been to share safeguarding experiences, methodology and activities, among us who are working in the field, with the communities concerned, craftsmen, musicians, bearers and practitioners.

Nevertheless we considered that it would be almost impossible to give a fair impression for understanding the musical instruments from text only. We wanted to listen to the sound of the musical instruments, in order to get a better and more fair impression. Therefor we decided to add a playlist, made available online. In this way, we can listen to sample of music referring to each chapter. The book is available for downloading as a pdf, or can be ordered as a hard copy from ICHCAP.

Let me thank the authors for their wonderful contributions, the musicians that have contributed to our playlist, the always hardworking editorial board, in particular Antoine Gauthier, and our great colleagues at ICHCAP, Seong-Yong Park and his team, which has made this publication possible. Thanks a lot!
Eivind Falk
(Editor-In-Chief – #HeritageAlive)

> Traditional Musical Instruments, sharing experiences from the field

Date of publication: 18.12.2021

A summary of the cultural conference in CIOFF® world Congress

A summary of the cultural conference in CIOFF® world Congress Here by the topics of Cultural conference in CIOFF® world congress: Written by Monika Tomingas:

1) UNESCO practical work on the promotion of an item. Procedure in practice.

2) Introduction of the „Busójárás”. The „busójárás” (in Croatian: pohod bušara [1]) is a spring-like, winter-ending folk tradition of the mostly Roman Catholic Southern Slavs in Mohács and its surroundings, the carnival mask formation and dramatic folk tradition of the „sokác” [2], also known as the „poklade” which is the Croatian equivalent of the word. [3] The Mohács „busójárás” has been on the list of UNESCO World Heritage List since 2009. Since 2012, the Mohács „busójárás” has been considered as a Hungaricum, which has been a major success for Mohács civil society, „busó” groups, masquerade and costume makers. Of course, we will show this tradition in live.

3) „Matyó” embroidery: „Matyó” people are distinguished from their surroundings by the mid-19th century, primarily through their colorful costume and rich color embroidery culture. In the beginning, the sheets were decorated then sleeves and aprons. Originally, only red, blue, yellow, green and black yarn were used, but later the shades of purple and other shades of the used colors appeared. The most well-known motifs are „matyó”rose, heart rose, oak rose, cipe (shoes), bird and cat tail (snail line), but tulip leaves and buds are also seen on „Matyó” embroidery. During the presentation we also show folk costumes, dance and music.

4) Falconry
Falconry is strictly speaking hunting with birds of prey. In the broader sense it is a way of life, a community in which this form of hunting is the focal point.
This culture requires a love of nature and birds of prey, hunting expertise, as well as skill in training, breeding and rearing the birds. It also includes the knowledge of making and the use of traditional falconry equipment, exploration and research of falconry history, promoting and preserving the heritage, a shaping of mentality as well as teaching and transmission of the art. People involved in falconry also organize events and occasions for falconry, involving and strengthening the cohesion of local communities and raising awareness regarding the culture at such events domestically and abroad. The tradition of falconry is thousands of years old and existed throughout a major portion of Eurasia. Hungarian falconry stems from this heritage and has become an integral part of Hungarian traditional culture and pervaded her history. During the height of falconry in the country from the 11th -17th century it also became an organic part of Hungarian national identity. Since that time the tradition has dwindled considerably in Hungary and throughout Europe, but the traditional knowledge associated with falconry lives on in localized communities and is gradually gaining popularity.

5) Blue-Dyeing Tradition in Hungary
The spread of the craft of blue dye in Europe relates to the Flemish, who were maintaining this craft from the 8th century. The earliest craftmanship of blue dye was formed in Vienna in 1208. The first working partnership began in Hungary with the cooperation of the cities: Locse, Eperjes, Igló and Késmárk. In the second half of the 18th century were too many employees in the textiles and craft of tinctorial came into existence in the territory near to the Western part of Hungary. Individual wanders and families settle down raising the numbers of those involved in the craft of tinctorials in Hungary. This is how the ancestors of Kluge family from Sorau, Saxony, continued the craft which took place over seven generations. In the middle of the 18th century the textile printing instruments used pigment and pickle squeezing, allowing the painters used the woad to produce the colour blue. However the carbon was already known in the middle ages, spreaded only after the beginning of the ongoing importing. One specialized branch of the blue dye craft, came about from the end of the 18th century, means the special process of the stanchion printing and textilepainting with carbon. From the 20th century beside painting with carbon appeared the synthetic carbon with better quality, the so-called „indantren”, and connection to that the stanchion printing spreaded. Both technology are presented in the limited workshops of blue dye craft in Hungary

6) The „dance house” teaching method as a best practice on the UNESCO World List. As a best practice, this method deserves the honorable title. This is what we would like to show you.

The lady next to Monika on the photo was painting the „Matyó” embroidery on the canvas on the stage for the whole conference.

Date of publication: 12.11.2021

Monika Tominigas in the Cultural Conference of CIOFF® in Szhazhalombatta, Hungary.

Monika Tominigas in the Cultural Conference of CIOFF® in Szhazhalombatta, Hungary. Good morning everyone!

I would like to greet all of you in the Cultural Conference of CIOFF® in Szhazhalombatta, Hungary.

In those disturbing and confusing times it has been asked what role does culture play in our lives and what is the benefit of culture - I believe that culture is one of the only things that keeps us sane and still gives us a way of escape where light cannot be seen at the end of the tunnel. The actor Wendell Pierce has said that “The role of culture is that it’s the form through which we as a society reflect on who we are, where we’ve been, where we hope to be”. I hope that culture will be the force to thrive us through these troubling times and bring us brighter ones.

The mission of CIOFF® is still actual to all of us and remains the same - to promote, present and protect Intangible Cultural Heritage, to develop cultural dialogue all over the world and respect cultural differences in order to guarantee peace all over the world. As one of the goals in the strategy of CIOFF is to strengthen the role of Intangible Cultural Heritage, as a factor in bringing human beings closer together and ensuring understanding among them, then today we have a spectacular possibility to learn about the ICH of Hungary. CIOFF Hungary has prepared many interesting presentations for us today and we will be hearing many practices of preserving ICH in Hungary and these phenomenon can also be found on the ICH list of UNESCO.

Coming back to the question how can humanity benefit from culture and it’s diversity, I would like to end with a thought by Robert Alan: “Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity”.

I wish all of you an inspiring day!

Monika Tomingas
Chairwoman of the Cultural Commission

Date of publication: 12.11.2021

The CIOFF® Folkloriada of kids will be in Ufa 2024

The CIOFF® Folkloriada of kids will be in Ufa 2024 CIOFF® President Philippe Beaussant just announced that the First CIOFF World Folkloriada for Children will take place in Ufa / Bashkortostan Russian Federation in 2024

Date of publication: 11.11.2021

CIOFF® family in world Congress Hungary

CIOFF® family in world Congress Hungary During the 9th November night, participants from the CIOFF® 50th World Congress attended de Opening Ceremony at the Hungarian Heritage House in Budapest. With local authorities, and the special presence of Amina Shafikova, Ministry of Culture from Bashkortostan Republic in Russia, the attendees could enjoy a concert and dance show, introduce theirselves each other, and take the official photo from the event. Thanks once again to CIOFF® Hungary for being such a great host!

Date of publication: 11.11.2021

CIOFF®Youth in action in Budapest

CIOFF®Youth in action in Budapest Durining the CIOFF® World Congress, Youth members from all over the world started their activities with an introduction about their motivations and their link to Intangible Cultural Heritage.

'We really hope we stay like this forever... We are connected all over the world by cultural ties and that is why we are here

Date of publication: 06.11.2021

CIOFF® world Congress in Budapest

CIOFF® world Congress in Budapest Few days away from the 50th CIOFF® World Congress hosted by @cioffhungary ????

42 countries will gather from 5 to 13 November, to celebrate CIOFF® 50th anniversary after 1 year postponement. Stay tuned to our social media updates!

#ForLivingTraditions #ShareCulture

Date of publication: 03.11.2021

Amina Shafikova told about the results of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada

Amina Shafikova told about the results of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada In total, 28 concert venues were operating within the framework of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada, where 61 concert performances were shown. The main site of "The Heart of the Folkloriada" in Ufa, sites in 22 municipalities, 3 fan zones in the Volna, Pervomaisky, and Demsky parks, the exhibition area was visited by more than 300 thousand people. This was announced by the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan Amina Shafikova during an expanded operational meeting in the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

"The Republic of Bashkortostan held an international event with dignity, having managed to gather representatives of 37 countries of the world with more than 1000 participants in such a trying time. Our management worked around the clock, the media center worked around the clock. We were strongly supported by colleagues from Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, the Ministry of Trade, the Press and Mass Media Agency, the State Youth Committee, the State Committee for Competition Policy, and also we express huge gratitude to the heads of all 22 districts who met the Folkloriada. The assessment of all the visiting guests is very high, the assessment of representatives from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation was also very high," the minister said.

According to Amina Shafikova, more than 3.5 thousand people were involved in the organization of the event: volunteers, journalists, curators, greeters, interpreters, drivers, workers in the field of food and accommodation, and others. The participants of the Folkloriada in total traveled more than 10,000 km across the territory of the republic.

More than 2,700 people took part in the Parade. 2 world records were set – these are representatives of 57 countries and 71 nationalities in one round dance.

To date, the number of views of broadcasts and publications in networks is more than 10 million. 53 federal media have published more than 5.5 thousand materials. Also, the media of 30 countries gave information about the Folkloriada. More than 1,700 posts have been published in foreign social networks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for CIS Affairs and the General Assembly of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF®?).

On July 8, our famous "Argymak" Folk Rock Band were invited to the morning broadcast of the Channel 1. In the Gorky Park in Moscow, in the studio of "Good Morning", the group performed the composition "Baik" and told about the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada.

According to Amina Ivnievna, no one was left indifferent by the Opening Ceremony of the Folkloriada, where more than 800 people were involved and which was prepared by the Committee of Concert Programs and Touring Activities at the Bashkir State Philharmonic named after H. Akhmetov, the chief director was Aidar Zubaydullin. As CIOFF®? President Philippe Beaussant noted, "The Opening was incredible .... and the best of all."

At the Closing Ceremony, 18 countries of the world performed in the Amphitheater of the Toratau Congress Hall, an air show with the participation of six fighters was presented.

As part of the business program, the CIOFF®? International Conference on Culture "Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation as part of the World Cultural Heritage" was held. Also, a Protocol of intent on cooperation for the safeguarding, promotion and transfer of intangible cultural heritage to descendants was signed between CIOFF ®? and the Republican Center for Folk Art. On the closing day of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada, messages were signed and placed in time capsules. In memory of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada, a unique breast decoration with coins of the participating countries was made.

During the days of the Folkloriada, 32 exhibits from 27 countries were presented at the exhibition "Masks of the Peoples of the World" at the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Artisans from 37 countries presented their works at the exhibition of crafts on Salavat Yulaev Square.
"The main thing is that we managed to avoid the increase in the spread of coronavirus infection. It is necessary to note the responsible attitude of the visiting participants – more than 80 % of them came vaccinated, " the minister stressed and thanked Rospotrebnadzor for their well-coordinated work on constant monitoring and control of the participants and the inner circle of directly involved persons.
Radiy Khabirov noted that the Folkloriada aroused great interest among the public.
"Of course, the effect would be much higher, if not a pandemic. But even in these conditions, we held this event, and it was a success. People had a very great interest, " the Head summed up.
During the meeting, it was also informed that on July 16, an exhibition based on the results of the Folkloriada will open at the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

> Amina Shafikova told about the results of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada

Date of publication: 15.07.2021

Today curators and volunteers are seeing off the last remaining teams

Today curators and volunteers are seeing off the last remaining teams The festival days of the VI CIOFF®?
World Folkloriada passed in the wink of an eye — and now the participants are here again, in the place where everything began. Two weeks ago, on July 1, Ufa airport welcomed the first foreign groups with open arms to the music of kurai with national treats. Only this time, the participants stand at the departure check-in terminals and take away souvenirs with national symbols as a part of this warm and unifying holiday. Today, curators and volunteers are seeing off the last remaining teams.

> Today curators and volunteers are seeing off the last remaining teams

Date of publication: 15.07.2021

A festive concert was held in Ufa in honor of the closing of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada

A festive concert was held in Ufa in honor of the closing of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada A festive concert was held in Ufa in honor of the closing of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada

On July 10, a festive concert dedicated to the end of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada took place in the Amphitheater of the Congress Hall.
We remind that the festival of folk cultures was held in Bashkortostan from July 3 to 10.

The concert featured performances by local bands: these are the Faizi Gaskarov State Academic Ensemble of Filk Dance and

> A festive concert was held in Ufa in honor of the closing of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada

Date of publication: 15.07.2021

Amina Shafikova passed the baton of the Folkloriada to Philippe Beaussant President of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF® Philippe Beaussant

Amina Shafikova passed the baton of the Folkloriada to Philippe Beaussant President of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF® Philippe Beaussant Amina Shafikova passed the baton of the Folkloriada to Philippe Beaussant
President of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF®? Philippe Beaussant

As part of the closing ceremony of the World Folkloriada, Philippe Beaussant, President of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF®?, put a capsule with a message to descendants in the World Tree. The time capsule with a message to future generations is filled with symbols – coins, jewelry, artifacts, musical instruments, scraps of fabrics of traditional costumes, etc. The filling ceremony of the capsule took place earlier this day. The capsule will be transferred to the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It will be opened in 10 years. Another capsule, installed this morning, will be handed over to the participants of the next Folkloriada.

> Amina Shafikova passed the baton of the Folkloriada to Philippe Beaussant President of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF®? Philippe Beaussan

Date of publication: 15.07.2021

A presentation of the traditional breast jewelry of a Bashkir woman - tushelderek was held within the framework of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada.

A presentation of the traditional breast jewelry of a Bashkir woman - tushelderek was held within the framework of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada. A presentation of the traditional breast jewelry of a Bashkir woman - tushelderek was held within the framework of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada. The last coin was sewn into the national decoration at the closing ceremony of the festival. The memorial exhibit of the Folkloriada was transferred to the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

> A presentation of the traditional breast jewelry of a Bashkir woman - tushelderek was held within the framework of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada.

Date of publication: 15.07.2021

At the closing of the Folkloriada, the aerobatic group of

At the closing of the Folkloriada, the aerobatic group of At the closing of the Folkloriada, the aerobatic group of "Russkie Vityazi" (Rus - Russian Knights) performed

"Russkie Vityazi" aerobatic team launched the closing ceremony of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada in the Ufa Amphitheater. The pilots flew to the capital, especially for this event.

Su-30SM and Su-35 circled swiftly in the sky of Ufa. The performance of the aerobatic team took place in honor of the closing of the Folkloriada and is also timed to the 80th anniversary of the UMPO.

"Russkie Vityazi" is the only team in the world that performs aerobatics on heavy fighter class aircraft. A barrel, a Nesterov loop, a bell, a fountain, the dissolution of a tulip. The way the aces made those complex elements brought the audience into complete delight.

Note that the fighters are equipped with engines manufactured by UEC-UMPO. It was 80 years ago, in July 1941, that the evacuation of aviation industry enterprises from Rybinsk, Moscow, and Leningrad to Ufa began. Then, on the Bashkir land, the largest Russian aircraft engine factories merged together – so the Ufa Order of Lenin State Union Plant No. 26 was created.

High-tech unique engines of modern fighters are being created in Ufa and they are also used on the planes of the "Russkie Vityazi" aerobatic team.

Then the program of closing the Folkloriada was continued by one of the headliners of the evening – the State Academic Russian Choir named after M. Pyatnitsky.

> At the closing of the Folkloriada, the aerobatic group of

Date of publication: 15.07.2021

The VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada has ended in Bashkortostan

The VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada has ended in Bashkortostan The largest folklore festival was held from July 3 to 10, 2021. The Folkloriada was attended by delegations from 37 countries of the world. The project gathered 1000 participants, 70 artisans. Within the framework of the Folkloriada in Ufa, two world records were set for the number of countries and nationalities in one round dance: The friendship Round Dance brought together 57 countries of the world and representatives of 71 nationalities.
In general, more than 2,700 people took part in the round dance.

The Opening ceremony at the Ufa-Arena Ice Palace hosted more than 1000 performers, used more than 500 intelligent lighting devices, 800 square meters of LED screens, unique mechanisms and automation systems designed specifically for the opening, dozens of the most modern laser video projectors, more than 100 kW of sound equipment, smoke, and cryo effects.

The Closing ceremony at the Amphitheater of the “Toratau” Congress Hall was marked by the performance of the representatives from 19 countries of the world, an air show with the participation of six fighters.

During the Folkloriada, 61 concerts were held at 28 concert venues on the main stage of

> The VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada has ended in Bashkortostan

Date of publication: 15.07.2021

State Academic Russian Folk Choir of M.Pyatnitsky, The No Smoking Orchestra, and Emir Kusturica performed at the closing ceremony of the Folkloriada

State Academic Russian Folk Choir of M.Pyatnitsky, The No Smoking Orchestra, and Emir Kusturica performed at the closing ceremony of the Folkloriada

On July 10, the Ufa Amphitheater hosted the grand closing of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada. The concert on the main stage of the festival was marked by the performance of the headliners: The Pyatnitsky Choir, The No Smoking Orchestra, and Emir Kusturica.

The popular Serbian film director and musician Emir Kusturica is coming to Bashkortostan for the second time. Two years ago, he was an invited guest at "The Heart of Eurasia" festival. Now he performs as a member of "The No Smoking Orchestra" Folk Rock Band.

"I really liked it here for the first time. The expanse of the Amphitheater is impressive. I especially remember your nature and people, these two factors always play the most important role for me," he said in an interview with journalists.

Impressed by the scale of the Folkloriada, Emir Kusturica added: "I think it is one of the biggest and best festivals in the world!"

The State Academic Russian Folk Choir named after M. E. Pyatnitsky is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. During the conversation with journalists, the artists of the collective did not hide their admiration for the festival of cultures.

"We are happy to share this holiday with other people, thank you very much," they said in one voice. "Let this be the beginning of a great good path. We always support cooperation and friendship. This is wonderful! " - the artists of the choir added.

> State Academic Russian Folk Choir of M.Pyatnitsky, The No Smoking Orchestra, and Emir Kusturica performed at the closing ceremony of the Folkloriada

Date of publication: 15.07.2021

VI World Folkloriada in numbers

VI World Folkloriada in numbers The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada has ended in Bashkortostan. The largest folklore festival was held from July 3 to 10, 2021. The Folkloriada was attended by delegations from 37 countries of the world. The project gathered 1000 participants, 70 artisans. Within the framework of the Folkloriada in Ufa, two world records were set for the number of countries and nationalities in one round dance: The friendship Round Dance brought together 57 countries of the world and representatives of 71 nationalities.
In general, more than 2,700 people took part in the round dance.

The Opening ceremony at the Ufa-Arena Ice Palace hosted more than 1000 performers, used more than 500 intelligent lighting devices, 800 square meters of LED screens, unique mechanisms and automation systems designed specifically for the opening, dozens of the most modern laser video projectors, more than 100 kW of sound equipment, smoke, and cryo effects.

The Closing ceremony at the Amphitheater of the “Toratau” Congress Hall was marked by the performance of the representatives from 19 countries of the world, an air show with the participation of six fighters.

During the Folkloriada, 61 concerts were held at 28 concert venues on the main stage of

> VI World Folkloriada in numbers

Date of publication: 15.07.2021

Today curators and volunteers are seeing off the last remaining teams

Today curators and volunteers are seeing off the last remaining teams The festival days of the VI CIOFF®?
World Folkloriada passed in the wink of an eye — and now the participants are here again, in the place where everything began. Two weeks ago, on July 1, Ufa airport welcomed the first foreign groups with open arms to the music of kurai with national treats. Only this time, the participants stand at the departure check-in terminals and take away souvenirs with national symbols as a part of this warm and unifying holiday. Today, curators and volunteers are seeing off the last remaining teams.

> Today curators and volunteers are seeing off the last remaining teams

Date of publication: 12.07.2021

The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada has ended in Bashkortostan

The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada has ended in Bashkortostan The largest folklore festival was held from July 3 to 10, 2021. The Folkloriada was attended by delegations from 37 countries of the world. The project gathered 1000 participants, 70 artisans. Within the framework of the Folkloriada in Ufa, two world records were set for the number of countries and nationalities in one round dance: The friendship Round Dance brought together 57 countries of the world and representatives of 71 nationalities.
In general, more than 2,700 people took part in the round dance.

The Opening ceremony at the Ufa-Arena Ice Palace hosted more than 1000 performers, used more than 500 intelligent lighting devices, 800 square meters of LED screens, unique mechanisms and automation systems designed specifically for the opening, dozens of the most modern laser video projectors, more than 100 kW of sound equipment, smoke, and cryo effects.

The Closing ceremony at the Amphitheater of the “Toratau” Congress Hall was marked by the performance of the representatives from 19 countries of the world, an air show with the participation of six fighters.

During the Folkloriada, 61 concerts were held at 28 concert venues on the main stage of "The Heart of the Folkloriada" in Ufa and in 22 municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The participants of the Folkloriada traveled with concert programs about 10,000 km throughout the Republic of Bashkortostan. The events of the World Folkloriada were attended by more than 300 thousand people.
From July 4 to 9, the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan hosted the international exhibition "Masks of the Peoples of the World" and the photo exhibition "Musical Instruments of the Peoples of the World". The International exhibition "Masks of the Peoples of the World " presented 32 exhibits from 27 countries, as well as photos of masks from 30 countries of the world. Images of 34 musical instruments were presented at the International Photo Exhibition "Musical Instruments of the Peoples of the World". ?

During the festival, fan zones of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada operated in Ufa. Screens and sound equipment for broadcasting events were installed at three sites: the Pervomaisky Culture and Recreation Park, the Demsky District Culture and Recreation Park and the Volna Park. Every day at 18.00 (GMT+5), the residents and guests of the capital could watch live broadcasts of open-air events with the participation of foreign artists.

From July 4 to 10, the International Exhibition of Crafts and Trades was held on the upper square of the “Toratau” Congress Hall. It presented the works of artisans from 19 countries of the world. Apart from that, 39 enterprises, organizations, and individual entrepreneurs from Ufa presented their souvenir products.

The program of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada also included interactive activities of the CIOFF®? Youth Committee, the CIOFF®? International Conference on Culture on the topic of "The Intangible Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation as part of the World Cultural Heritage".
TV and Internet broadcasts enabled wide coverage of the audience. Approximate numbers of views reached 10 million.
53 state media resources published more than 5500 materials. Also the information about the Folkloriada was presented in media resources of 30 countries of the world. More than 1700 articles were posted in foreign social networks of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Agency for CIS Affairs and CIOFF®?.

> The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada has ended in Bashkortostan

Date of publication: 12.07.2021

Within the framework of VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada messages were signed and placed in time capsules

Within the framework of VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada messages were signed and placed in time capsules On July 10, on the closing day of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada, messages were signed and placed in time capsules. Also, CIOFF®? and the Republican Center of Folk Art signed a protocol of intent for cooperation in order to safeguard, distribute and transmit the intangible cultural heritage to descendants. The corresponding document was signed by the President of CIOFF®? Philippe Bossan and the General Director of the Republican Center of Folk Art Artur Alibakov. Representatives of delegations from 37 countries of the world witnessed these significant events. At the meeting of the national delegates, messages were created and placed in time capsules of the organizers and participants of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada to future generations, as well as to the participants of the VII CIOFF®?.

World Folkloriada. Each capsule contains parting words and wishes. In addition, the participants filled the time capsule with a message to future generations with symbols – coins, jewelry, artifacts, musical instruments, scraps of fabrics of traditional costumes, etc. The president of CIOFF®? Philippe Beaussant, dropped a coin into the time capsule, the President of the Russian National Section of CIOFF, the director of the State Russian House of Folk Art named after V. D. Polenov, Tamara Purtova, a traditional Russian matryoshka, the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Amina Shafikova, a commemorative decoration. Artur Alibakov, Executive Director of the Folkloriada Committer, received the right to put memorable messages of the delegates into the capsule. At the grand ceremony, each representative of the delegates was presented with commemorative plaques.

Photo: Ramil Nafikov

> Within the framework of VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada messages were signed and placed in time capsules

Date of publication: 10.07.2021

The closing ceremony of the Folkloriada will be held in an open-air format at the Ufa amphitheater

The closing ceremony of the Folkloriada will be held in an open-air format at the Ufa amphitheater The closing ceremony of the International Folklore Festival, which will be held at the Amphitheater of the "Toratau" Congress Hall on July 10, promises to be bright and spectacular.

The day will begin with a collective photograph of the participants of the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® on the Salavat Yulaev square. Then the representatives of delegations from 37 countries of the world will sign the Messages of the organizers and participants of the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®? 2021 to the future generations, as well as to the participants of the VII World Folkloriada CIOFF®? in the Congress Hall "Toratau" (Big Hall, -1 floor). Messages in the form of a time capsule will be broadcast at the closing ceremony of the festival.

At 17.00, near the monument to Salavat Yulaev, the aerobatic team of "Russkie Vityazi" will greet the participants and guests of the Folkloriada. The program includes Su – 30SM and Su-35 fast fighters equipped with engines manufactured by UEC-UMPO.

The concert program of the closing ceremony of the Folkloriada will be opened at 17.30 by the oldest professional folk choir of Russia – the State Academic Russian Folk Choir named after M. E. Pyatnitsky. In addition, the program will be glorified by the participants of the Folkloriada from 18 countries and the leading collectives of the Republic of Bashkortostan - the State Academic Ensemble of folk dance named after Faizi Gaskarov and the "Argymak" group. The headliners of the evening are The No Smoking Orchestra led by the legendary Emir Kusturica.

At the end of the program, it is scheduled to hand over the festival's flag, time capsules, as well as the Bashkir breast decoration with coins from 37 participating countries. The evening will end with a colorful fireworks display.

At the end of the program, the launching ceremony and the handover of the festival flag to the President of CIOFF® Philippe Beaussant are planned, as well as the handover of the Bashkir breast jewelry with coins of 37 participating countries to the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The evening will end with colorful fireworks.

In connection with the holding on this day the closing ceremony of the VI World Folkloriada from 14.00 to 24.00, the traffic will be restricted on the st. Zaki Validi from st. Aksakova to the st. Gafuri; on the street Generala- Gubernatora Petrovskogo; on the street Naberejnaya to the st. Sochinskaya.
Photo: Ramil Nafikov

> The closing ceremony of the Folkloriada will be held in an open-air format at the Ufa amphitheater

Date of publication: 10.07.2021

The VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®?. The seventh day

The VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®?. The seventh day On July 9, the penultimate festival day of the World Folkloriada passed in Ufa and municipalities of the republic. As in previous days, the main concert program took place in the amphitheater of the Toratau Congress Hall. The evening was marked by bright performances by bands from Romania, Belarus, Cameroon, and Palestine. The headliner was the Russian jeepsea-folk-rock group «The Hatters».

Student folklore ensemble "Martisorul" for its 60-year history has become known not only at home, but also abroad. By the way, earlier in the same day it became known that the artist of the Romanian ensemble made a marriage proposal to his beloved. He was inspired to this by the celebration in Russia of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity on July 8.

Original cultural traditions and Belarusian folklore at the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®? were presented by the folklore ensemble "Lirniki".

“We are from the RB, just like you! So, we are practically at home! ", Admitted Helena and Katya, members of the ensemble.

Cameroon presented the National Arts Ensemble at the VI World Folkloriada.

Epah Nzehe from Cameroon said that the costumes in their performances are traditionally worn by shamans. Each of them represented a separate ethnic group, of which there are about 200 in Cameroon as a whole!

Palestine at the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®? was represented by the dance group "Gurba Lazhi".

We also remind you that during all days of the festival, concert events with the participation of foreign groups of the Folkloriada took place on the upper platform of the Congress Hall. Today these were ensembles from France, Peru, Mexico, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia.

Director Juan Salcedo told about the peculiarities of the dance numbers of the Mexican group:

"In the folk dances of our people, the memory of the culture of the Indians and conquistadors has been preserved."

The closing ceremony of the Folkloriada will take place tomorrow in Ufa. The capital will bring together all the groups that went on tour to the regions of the republic. At 17 o'clock on the main stage of the Folkloriada in the amphitheater, a concert program will begin with the participation of 18 creative teams of the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®? and leading creative teams of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as special guests. These are the Pyatnitsky Choir, Emir Kusturica & The No Smoking Orchestra (Serbia).

Photo: Ramil Nafikov

> The VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®?. The seventh day

Date of publication: 10.07.2021

The VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada in Ufa. Day six

The VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada in Ufa. Day six The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada in Ufa. Day six.

On July 8, the team from Cameroon delighted the audience. Their performance was memorable for everyone with their unusual costumes: this is a deity with a large wooden mask on his face, and a shaggy monster, and a man in a knitted mask with big ears. As a member of the ensemble Esva Fidelis Fonjok said, these costumes are used on important holidays.

“According to tradition, this deity, the king called juju, and he dances to bring peace to this world. The costume is hand-made of wood. And the second character in a knitted hat is the king's assistant, ”he explained. Fidelis himself speaks Russian well, it turns out that he learned the language when he was studying in Moscow.

In the evening, bands from Uzbekistan, Mexico and Poland performed at the square the Heart of the Folkloriada. Bright costumes, spectacular performances and national music of foreign guests were warmly received by the audience.

The Republic of Uzbekistan is represented at the Folkloriada by the Karakalpak National Folklore Ensemble

> The VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada in Ufa. Day six

Date of publication: 09.07.2021

Folkloriada makes dreams come true

Folkloriada makes dreams come true Folkloriada not only unites countries and continents, but it also makes dreams come true!
A young twenty-year-old guy from the small Croatian village of Busevec, Mihael Veckovic takes part at the Folkloriada in Bashkiria as part of the Croatian Busevec ensemble. Mihael makes folk musical instruments. Performing at the Yanaul festival on July 6, he played Croatian bagpipe made by himself. He dreamed of learning to play the Bashkir folk instrument - kurai, which fascinated him with its unique sound. The organizers of the festival provided him with such an opportunity. Mihael was so happy! But the story is not over yet.
A video about his love for a Bashkir kurai instantly went viral on social media. The Minister of Culture Amina Shafikova, having seen the video, decided to make Mihael’s dream come true and presented him with a real kurai instrument.
The next festival day of the Folkloriada brought new surprises to Mihael Veckovic. On July 8, at the Neftekamsk State Philharmonic Society, he was taught a master class of playing the kurai. In the evening, at the official opening ceremony of the Folkloriada in Neftekamsk, Amina Shafikova presented the Bashkir kurai to the young Croatian musician. And now the amazing melodies of Bashkortostan will sound 6 thousand kilometers away, in a small remote village of Central Croatia.

> Folkloriada makes dreams come true

Date of publication: 08.07.2021

Exhibitions and concert venues of the World Folkloriada work for guests taking into account the current security measures

Exhibitions and concert venues of the World Folkloriada work for guests taking into account the current security measures Exhibitions and concert venues of the World Folkloriada work for guests taking into account the current security measures.

The territory of the “Toratau” Congress Hall is divided into 2 platforms: the upper (parking) and the lower (Amphitheater), which work in full compliance with the existing security measures. The International Exhibition of crafts and trades starts its work at 11.00 and ends at 20.00. Concert programs of participants of the Folkloriada and performing groups of the Republic of Bashkortostan are held here from 14.00.

The entrance to the main festival venue "The Heart of Folkloriada", which is located in Vatan Park, is open from 17.45.

In order to ensure the safety of participants and guests of the festival, there are inspection points with metal detectors, hand sanitizers, and temperature measurements. In the absence of masks, free masks are provided. During the event, fan barriers block the entire perimeter. Apart from that, there are ambulance units on duty on the premises of the “Toratau” Congress Hall.

> Exhibitions and concert venues of the World Folkloriada work for guests taking into account the current security measures

Date of publication: 08.07.2021

The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada continues its journey through the republic

The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada continues its journey through the republic The participants of the International Folklore Festival have passed its equator, but it's too early to relax! There are still three busy days ahead, and these are 12 municipalities and, of course, the spectacular closing ceremony of the Folkloriada, which will be held in the Ufa Amphitheater on July 10 at 17.30

Today the festival will start at 14.00 in Sibay. The audience will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of such countries as Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Costa Rica, the USA, Switzerland, Albania.
At 15.00 teams from Bolivia, Greece, Panama, Kazakhstan, Spain will perform in the Aurgazinsky District. At the same time, the participants will be hosted by the Karmaskalinsky District, a colorful show that will be presenter by creative groups from Slovakia, Bulgaria, Colombia, Austria, and Russia.
At 15.00, the concert program will also begin in Neftekamsk, where representatives of such countries as Azerbaijan, Croatia, India, Estonia, Chile, Paraguay, Benin will demonstrate their culture and traditions.

At 16.00, the Askinsky District will host teams from Palestine, France, Belarus, North Macedonia, Peru, Ecuador, Romania.
The republic will be represented at the creative forum by the art collectives of cities and districts.

At 18.00 in the Amphitheater of the Congress Hall

> The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada continues its journey through the republic

Date of publication: 08.07.2021

Tamara Purtova: "The opening ceremony of the Folkloriada is a world-class spectacle"

 Tamara Purtova: A briefing for journalists was held in Ufa with the participation of CIOFF President Philippe Beaussant, President of the Russian national section of CIOFF, Director of the State Russian House of Folk Art named after V.D. Polenov Tamara Purtova, executive director of the Directorate for the preparation and holding of the VI World Folkloriada Artur Alibakov, director and chief director of the opening and closing ceremony of the World Folkloriada, coordinator of the Heart of Folkloriada festival Aydar Zubaidullin.

The briefing participants shared their impressions of the opening ceremony of the World Folkloriada. Valentina Purtova shared moments of the opening ceremony with her family. According to her, she had no doubts that Bashkortostan would cope with any assigned task.

“Bashkortostan has always been among the leaders. The opening ceremony showed us that this is not just the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, it is a world-class spectacle. Everything that happens these days in Bashkortostan is not just popularization. This is serious research and methodological work. The Folkloriada took its first steps, showed its scale, and now our task is for all this to continue successfully for the benefit of the mutual influence of cultures, ”Tamara Valentinovna said.

Philippe Beaussant noted that all events are held at the highest level and the Folkloriada became the first major international event in the world after the coronavirus pandemic.

“This is already my sixth visit to Ufa. Most of all here I like friendship, this is above all, our main goal is building communications - building peaceful relations with people. Here we were able to build an able-bodied and hardworking team. And the greatest wealth is the wonderful people living in Bashkortostan, ”said Mr. Beaussant.
Folkloriada events are held not only in Bashkortostan but also in 22 zones of Bashkortostan. Artur Alibakov noted that a lot of preparatory work had been done, all security measures had been taken.

Aidar Zubaidullin, the director and chief director of the opening and closing ceremony of the World Folkloriada, coordinator of the “Heart of Folkloriada” festival, spoke about the preparations of the actions.

Let us remind you that the World Folkloriada will be held in Bashkortostan until July 10. For the convenience of users, the application is optimized for any mobile device - open the link https://folkloriada.online

> "The opening ceremony of the Folkloriada is a world-class spectacle"

Date of publication: 08.07.2021

Yanaulsky, Burz On July 6, five municipalities of the republic received the participants of the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®?. Colorful concert programs were held in Nurimanovsky, Karaidelsky, Yanaulsky, Burz

Yanaulsky, Burz On July 6, five municipalities of the republic received the participants of the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®?. Colorful concert programs were held in Nurimanovsky, Karaidelsky, Yanaulsky, Burz
On July 6, five municipalities of the republic received the participants of the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®?. Colorful concert programs were held in Nurimanovsky, Karaidelsky, Yanaulsky, Burzyansky districts, and in Sterlitamak.

The audience had the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of countries such as Poland, Greece, Panama, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Slovakia, Spain, Indonesia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Palestine, France, Belarus, North Macedonia, Peru, Ecuador, Romania, Azerbaijan, Croatia, India, Estonia, Chile, Paraguay, Benin.

Tomorrow the festival will cover 4 more municipalities: Oktyabrsky, Buraevsky, Tatyshlinsky, Uchalinsky districts.
Until July 10, festival participants will perform with concert programs in 13 more municipalities. All folklore events are held in the open-air format.

Date of publication: 07.07.2021

The International Folklore Festival is in full swing! The fourth day of the Folkloriada ended with an incredible performance by the participant of the Eurovision Song Contest-2021 Manizha

The International Folklore Festival is in full swing!

The fourth day of the Folkloriada ended with an incredible performance by the participant of the Eurovision Song Contest-2021 Manizha. In compliance with all security measures, the fourth day of the Folkloriada featuring the participants from Austria, Bolivia, Italy, and Russia ended on the site of the Amphitheater of the

> The International Folklore Festival is in full swing!

Date of publication: 07.07.2021

Fan zones of the Folkloriada work in Ufa

Fan zones of the Folkloriada work in Ufa Fan zones of the Folkloriada work in Ufa

Since July 3, the fan zones of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada have been working in Ufa. Screens and sound equipment for the daily broadcast of events are installed at three sites: the Pervomaisky Culture and Recreation Park, the Demsky District Culture and Recreation Park and the Volna Park. Every day, residents and guests of the capital can watch a live broadcast of open-air events from 18.00.

Exhibitions of artisans, sale of souvenirs and attributes of the Folkloriada are also organized at the sites. Visitors can participate in workshops and take part in games. "It is impossible to live without music, song and dance. Thanks to creativity, people become kinder and more interesting, and it promotes love among the younger generation for their native land, people and the world around them. It's great that there are a lot of talented, creative people and groups in our city who actively perform at events dedicated to the VI World Folkloriada on the territory of fan zones. There are one-hour concerts every day before the event is broadcast from the main venue. Concert programs of performing groups of Ufa are dedicated to the creativity of different peoples of the world," the representative of the Department for Culture and Art of the Ufa City District Administration summarizes.

Today at fan zones performances of groups and the Children's school of arts named after Adiham Iskuzhin, choreographic Studio "Uspekh" of the House of Culture "Yadkar", Folk choir of Russian song "Zori Agideli" and Mari folklore-ethnographic ensemble "Osh Viche SEM" of the center of culture and folk art of Ufa, the Folk choir of Russian song "Razdolie" and the popular folk dance ensemble "Bayram" of the Palace of culture "Motorostroitel", and such groups as "Yakty Yul", "Rus" and "Inzer" of the City cultural and leisure center".

> Fan zones of the Folkloriada work in Ufa

Date of publication: 06.07.2021

The third day of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada has come to an end

The third day of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada has come to an end The third day of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada has come to an end

The grand folklore festival continues its work. Today at

> The third day of the VI CIOFF® World Folkloriada has come to an end

Date of publication: 06.07.2021

What surprised the foreign participants of the Folkloriada when they first came to Russia?

What surprised the foreign participants of the Folkloriada when they first came to Russia? What surprised the foreign participants of the Folkloriada when they first came to Russia?

On July 3, the International Folklore Festival started, which is being held in Russia for the first time this year. Foreign teams began arriving in the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan on July 1. During this short period of time, our guests managed to get acquainted with Russian culture and traditions. The volunteers-translators of the Folkloriada collected the impressions of foreigners about what seems unusual in our country and what surprised them most of all:

> What surprised the foreign participants of the Folkloriada when they first came to Russia?

Date of publication: 06.07.2021

Participants of the Folkloriada baked Russian pancakes and cooked okroshka on Bashkir ayran*

Participants of the Folkloriada baked Russian pancakes and cooked okroshka on Bashkir ayran* Participants of the Folkloriada baked Russian pancakes and cooked okroshka on Bashkir ayran*

25-year-old Oscar Ferrer arrived in Ufa for the Folkloriada from Colombia.

- I dreamed of coming to Russia for a long time, - says Oscar, all the time he imagined that his songs would be performed in this country. - It is double luck that the Folkloriada is held in Ufa. Now I will definitely add your city to the list of the greenest and friendliest cities in the world. People are smiling on the streets!
In one of the restaurants in Ufa, Oscar was taught today to cook Russian okroshka on Bashkir ayran.

-A little strange combination of ingredients, says the young singer, let's see what happens. - Delicious! Strange, but delicious, he summed up at the end of his culinary experiment. I will definitely bring the recipe to my homeland, I will treat my friends. However, I don't know where to look for ayran now in Colombia.

Giada Ciarandini is a dancer of the famous Italian folk band Chino Ermacora. It is the first time in Russia for her as well.
- I live in a small provincial town in the north of Italy, and therefore everything seems big to me, - Giada laughs. And even now we are baking Russian pancakes in a much larger size than I am used to doing in Italy. The chef of the restaurant said that the sauce for pancakes will be served on the basis of Italian wine, and we will make a special caramel filling from Bashkir honey.

Dancing is the most important hobby in a girl's life. Her mother and grandfather used to dance in the same folk group.
-Everything connected with folklore harmonizes a person in an amazing way, - she is sure. She is a professional psychologist, and her work is connected precisely with bringing the body and thoughts into balance in a person. - Dancing people are always a little happier than others. So in case, it gets sad, just dance!

Ph. A. Nurmukhametova

> Participants of the Folkloriada baked Russian pancakes and cooked okroshka on Bashkir ayran*

Date of publication: 05.07.2021

VI World Folkloriada begins its procession across the republic

VI World Folkloriada begins its procession across the republic The VI World Folkloriada begins its march through the republic

The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada begins its march through the republic. Today, the groups will head to 4 festival districts. Spectacular concert programs will be held in 22 municipalities of the republic. Today at 13.00 the festival will begin in Salavat (2a, Pervomayskaya str., the square in front of the building of the recreation center

> VI World Folkloriada begins its procession across the republic

Date of publication: 05.07.2021

The main venue of the International Cultural Festival - "The Heart of Folkloriada" - opened in the Bashkir capital

The main venue of the International Cultural Festival - The main venue of the International Cultural Festival - "The Heart of Folkloriada" - opened in the Bashkir capital

The opening of the main concert venue of the International Cultural Festival – "The Heart of Folkloriada" took place in Ufa. The hosts of the concert were Alexander Oleshko and Gulmira Ismagilova. The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova sent her greeting to the participants and guests of the event: "Dear friends! I am glad to welcome the organizers, participants, and guests of the VI World Folkloriada. I am sure that thanks to the sincere hospitality of the residents and the comfortable infrastructure of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the events will be held at a high organizational level. I urge you to be attentive to each other, to be sensitive to yourself and to the health of others, as well as to follow all the established restrictions and requirements in conducting the folkloriada. Art always brings people together.

The festival will be our common contribution to interstate cultural cooperation. I wish you good health, bright discoveries and a good mood!"
The hosts also read out a welcoming speech from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: "I am grateful for the invitation to take part in the VI World Folkloriada on July 3-10, 2021. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation supports this large-scale event, which is a kind of Olympics of folklore creativity. The successful holding of the festival will contribute to the expansion of international cooperation, the preservation and promotion of traditional culture. I ask you to pass my best wishes to the participants of the folkloriada." Ufa residents enjoyed the performance of foreign performers from 17 countries for about five hours: Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Benin, Bolivia, Cameroon, Chile, Greece, Hungary, India, Spain, Palestine, Peru, North Macedonia, Slovakia, the United States.
It is worth noting that the team from Hungary made a gift for the residents of the capital of the republic, performing the folk song "Karabay" in the Bashkir language.
The headliners of the evening were: People's Artist of Russia Nadezhda Babkina and the ensemble "Russian Song"; Moscow State Academic Dance Theater "Gzhel"; Chechen State Dance Ensemble "Vainakh"; State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir; master of throat singing, singer and composer Olena Uutai.

> The main venue of the International Cultural Festival - "The Heart of Folkloriada" - opened in the Bashkir capital

Date of publication: 05.07.2021

Two world records and a parade in national costumes. The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada is being held in Ufa?

Two world records and a parade in national costumes. The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada is being held in Ufa? Two world records and a parade in national costumes. The VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada is being held in Ufa?

A grand parade in national costumes was held in Ufa and two world records were set at once. "More than 2,700 people took part in the parade. 2 world records were set, one of them by the number of nationalities in the khorovod – 71. The second record for the number of countries in the khorovod. We have registered 57 participating countries. Representatives of 37 foreign countries came to us, it would seem, including Russia there should be no more than 38. But considering that residents of other countries who came here as tourists live in the Republic of Bashkortostan, they became part of the khorovod and were able to confirm their involvement in another country," comments Gulnara Yurina, Director of the Parade, head of the Directorate of Cultural Programs of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The ceremony was attended by the editor-in-chief of the Book of Records of Russia Stanislav Konenko and the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan Amina Shafikova.

"You are great fellows, everything worked out just perfectly! This was our goal to gather all of you at the Folkloriada-2021. And we did it! We are the unity!" - said the President of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts CIOFF®? Philippe Bossan. The participants of the Parade descended to the square of the Afmiteater of the Toratau Congress Hall. It was here that the flag of the World Folkloriada was officially raised. The parade was headed by the Children's Studio at the Faizi Gaskarov State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble. Right after them the official flag of the festival was carried by the soloists of the Faizi Gaskarov Ensemble. The parade was attended by groups of participants of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada, directors of centers (houses) of folk art of the regions of Russia, residents and guests of the republic.

Date of publication: 05.07.2021

The CIOFF® International Conference on Culture was held in Ufa in the frame of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada

The CIOFF® International Conference on Culture was held in Ufa in the frame of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada The CIOFF® International Conference on Culture was held in Ufa in the frame of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada

On July 4, the International CIOFF ®? Conference on Culture

> The CIOFF ®? International Conference on Culture was held in Ufa in the frame of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada

Date of publication: 04.07.2021

VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® opened in Russia

 VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® opened in Russia For the first time in history, Russia is hosting a grand cultural forum with the participation of folklore ensembles from 37 countries. The World Folkloriada, like the Olympics, takes place every four years and is the second major musical event after Eurovision 2021. The opening ceremony of the World Folkloriada took place in Ufa, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated the participants and guests of the folklore festival in a welcoming telegram. Also, the guests of the holiday were greeted by the President of CIOFF® Philippe Beaussant and the Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov.
The large-scale opening ceremony was attended by 1,100 artists. The performance was based on ancient myths and legends.
The ceremony was broadcast live to millions of viewers around the world.
On July 4, a world record will be set - 1,500 people of 150 nationalities will march along the streets of the capital of Bashkortostan and line up in a big Round Dance of friendship between peoples.
Also, a unique national chest decoration tushelderek - a symbol of friendship, harmony, and peace between peoples will be sewn with 37 coins, brought to the Folkloriada by participants from different countries.
From July 5 to 9, the groups will go on concert tours over the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Folkloriada will end on July 10, and the baton of the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF® will be passed to the next country at the closing ceremony.

Date of publication: 03.07.2021

The flag of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada was hoisted on the peak of Mustai Karim

The flag of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada was hoisted on the peak of Mustai Karim The flag of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada was hoisted on the peak of Mustai Karim

The expedition hoisted the flag of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada on the peak of Mustai Karim, which is located in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria
"Since 2018, the ascent of Mustai Karim Peak and Kaisyn Kuliyev Peak have been carried out - this has become a serious and interesting project for the Bashkir branch of the Russian Geographical Society. This year, the ascent became a kind of expedition, within the framework of which the trail was marked and literally after a while it will become public. This ascent does not require any special climbing or climbing skills. It requires physical health, because in a day you need to overcome 17 thousand meters for 17 hours. For me, this is the second ascent. The main task was marking the route, which was done by the members of the group, and raising the flag of the Folkloriada, " said Salavat Sagitov, chairman of the Bashkir regional branch of the RGS, rector of the BSPU named after M. Akmulla. The expedition team included Valery Oleynik, head of the Staff of the Interdepartmental Public Security Council of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Alexander Lynnik, a well-known traveler and bard, Rafael Yangirov, commercial director of the Bashkir Satellite Television, and Rustam Galimov, an athlete-mountaineer, a teacher of BSU. The peak of the national poet of Bashkortostan was opened for his 100th anniversary in the summer of 2018. The name Mustai Karim was given to it by a group of climbers from the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Kabardino Balkaria.

> https://folkloriada2021.com/en/novosti/kopiya-radiy-khabirov-had-an-official-meeting-with-representatives-of-the-international-council-of-organizations-of-folklore-festivals-and-folk-arts-(cioff).html

Date of publication: 03.07.2021

Radiy Khabirov had an official meeting with representatives of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF)

Radiy Khabirov had an official meeting with representatives of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF)

On July 2, the Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov met with representatives of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF) at the House of the Republic. The meeting was attended by CIOFF President Philip Beaussant President of the Russian National Section of CIOFF, Director of the State Russian House of Folk Art named after Vasily Polenov Tamara Purtova, artistic Director of the Moscow State Academic Theater "Russian Song", People's Artist of Russia, ambassador of the VI CIOFF®? World Folkloriada Nadezhda Babkina

The parties discussed the readiness of Bashkortostan to hold the Folkloriada, the development of folk art and the preservation of intangible cultural heritage.

"We are immensey glad to receive you in Bashkortostan. I consider this meeting to be the beginning of the implementation of a large project that the republic has been working towards for seven years – " Radiy Khabirov said. – Almost six years ago, we took the baton of the World Folkloriada, we were preparing for it. Last year, the event was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. And just recently we have had dramatic discussions, but nevertheless we decided to hold the Folkloriada. Of course, with strict sanitary safety measures. All our volunteers are vaccinated, and the medical and sanitary services are ready for any emergency situation. I compare the current Folkloriada with the World Festival of Youth and Students in 1957 in Moscow. Then the countries did not find understanding among themselves, but young people could. I hope that these days we will get the same positive effect. Our republic has prepared very carefully and creatively for the Folkloriada in order to make it a beautiful celebration for everyone. I hope that hundreds of thousands of viewers around the world will see the festival from TV screens and in online formats."

"Our dream, which we have been working towards for the last six years, is coming true," said Philippe Bossan. - CIOFF is a big family that builds cultural peace and mutual understanding between peoples. This event is very important for the collectives who arrived in Bashkortostan, since they have been limited in holding various festivals and concerts for the last year and a half due to the pandemic. Thank you very much for the warm welcome and the high organization of the Folkloriada."

"Our dreams are coming true thanks to you, Radiy Faritovich," Tamara Purtova added. - Of course, this Folkloriada will go down in the history of world culture!".

"This is not the first time I have come to Bashkortostan," said Nadezhda Babkina, People's Artist of Russia. - There are amazing and hospitable people here! Here is the gorgeous honey, chak-chak and baursak! Yummy! So the Folkloriada has finally begun! The best artists of the folklore genre have come to you from all over the world to show the beauty of their countries. The real inflorescence of world cultures is now here, in Bashkortostan. You, Radiy Faritovich, a brave man, have organized a festival of a planetary scale in the republic. Bashkortostan shows a real example for the whole of Russia, how to conduct global events. We are all united and fighting, but not among ourselves, but with a common disaster - a pandemic. And our weapons are beauty, culture and love!"

> Radiy Khabirov had an official meeting with representatives of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF)

Date of publication: 03.07.2021

from 3 to 10 July with the participation of about 1,100 artists from 37 countries

 from 3 to 10 July with the participation of about 1,100 artists from 37 countries CIOFF®? President Philippe Beaussant arrived in Ufa

The airport of the capital of Bashkortostan continues to meet the guests of the VI World Folkloriada CIOFF®?. Today, July 1, teams from 16 countries of the world arrived in Ufa. The President of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Traditional Arts CIOFF®? Philippe Beaussant also arrived in the republic with an official visit.

“It is great that Bashkortostan, Ufa, the Government of the republic have shown great support in preparing for the Folkloriada. Especially during the pandemic, it was very difficult. We chose Ufa because we know that they have big experience in organizing such major events, congresses, festivals, etc. Both CIOFF in Russia and Bashkortostan supported all our actions. We are glad that the festival will bring together about 40 countries and we will carry out this huge project together ”- said the President of CIOFF®?.

The World Folkloriada is the main event of CIOFF®?, held every four years. In Russia, the festival will take place from 3 to 10 July with the participation of about 1,100 artists from 37 countries. The festival program is provided in Ufa and 22 municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

> CIOFF®? President Philippe Beaussant arrived in Ufa

Date of publication: 03.07.2021

the Folkloriada in Ufa starts today

here is a short story that was published in formal web site of Folkloriada:

One of the first foreign guests who arrived in Ufa for the World Folkloriada was the Hawaiian group Akhuna O'khana.

Immediately upon arrival, the ensemble from the paradise islands charged the greeters with positive. To the accompaniment of ukulele and kurai accompaniment, the head of the band Joseph Akhuna sang the song "May there always be sunshine" in English and Russian.

The musician said that the 18-hour flight went well, and he is happy to be on the Bashkir land, having made such a long journey.

“In 1978, when I was in college, I came to your country as part of an artistic team. In those years, through dances and music, we established friendly relations between our countries. Culture carries a peacekeeping mission, ”the musician said.

Joseph Akhuna has been the head of the family ensemble for 20 years, including his brothers, children, grandchildren, nephews. The musician has 22 grandchildren, some of them will perform at the Folkloriada, and the youngest stayed at home with his wife.

“My wife helps to sew costumes. She could not come, but her soul is with us, ”said the musician.

Three years ago Joseph Akhuna visited Bashkortostan and was inspired by the local hospitality. In his opinion, the inhabitants of the republic are outwardly similar to Hawaiians.

After checking into the hotel, the ensemble went on a sightseeing tour of Ufa.

> https://vk.com/folkloriada2021

Date of publication: 03.07.2021

Save the date for the Folkloriada 2021

Save the date for the Folkloriada 2021 CIOFF Russia is working hard to prepare the great event with 80 dance groups from all over the world/ here is the link for the promo:

> Folkloriada 2021

Date of publication: 09.11.2020

National Prize for Peace 2020 Comnapaz MX

National Prize for Peace 2020 Comnapaz MX The award council of the Executive Committee of the National Commission for Peace, Comnapaz México, Organismo Ciudadano, undertook the task of evaluating outstanding personalities to recognize and reward those leaders, activists, businessmen, communication scientists, teachers, politicians, academics and among others, that promote human rights, conflict mediation and the culture of peace.

THE NATIONAL PRIZE FOR PEACE MEXICO 2020, is awarded to people of integrity, outstanding, courageous, consistent action, who have shown their willingness to defend peace, conflict mediation, justice and human rights, as well as to promote actions for a citizen awakening in favor of progress, awakening, order and freedom.

It is for this reason that we are recognizing great personalities at the national and international level in the promotion of Peace, also standing out for their ethical and moral actions, for tirelessly fighting for the ideals and interests of society and Mexico.

The 2020 Mexico Peace Awards ARE A GREAT COMMITMENT TO HONOR THE WINNERS; BECAUSE FROM NOW ON AND AS THEY HAVE BEEN DOING, they must continue working hard to promote peace and continue sowing the seeds of human ethics.


The 2020 Comnapaz Mexico Peace Awards will be delivered within the framework of the III National Congress of Comnapaz that is held on October 26, 27 and 28 online.

Date of publication: 25.10.2020

Dear national sections!

Dear national sections!

I hope that everyone is well and in the best of health!

This pandemic all over the world has infected the work of all of us. As the cultural events and festivals have been cancelled or postponed, CIOFF would like to share through our social media videos of intangible cultural heritage from different countries. Even though we can't present our culture and heritage live during these difficult times, we should still share the beauty and diversity of our cultures.

We would appreciate if every national section could share with us a video presenting intangible cultural heritage that has been recongnized by UNESCO. In addition to the video, a short text explaining the phenomenon and the author/copyrights holder of the video. The video could be of music, dance, handicrafts etc. The text should be in English, Spanish or French.

Please share the videos (through Wetransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive etc) or links of the videos (Youtube, Vimeo etc) and texts to cultural-commission@cioff.org by April 20th.

Thank you for your cooperation!

In the name of the Council, Cultural Commission and PR-team

Date of publication: 12.04.2020


Dear friends ;

the government of Bachkortostan on behalf of the Head of the Republic Radiy Khabirov announced the official decision during a press media in Ufa : THE VI CIOFF WORLD FOLKLORIADA is postponed to 2021...
An official letter will be sent next week with the new dates to all the participants (Groups and CIOFF National sections).

It is a sad news for all but we have to be responsible for 3000 young people(dancers- musicians) coming from around 80 countries !

The CIOFF world folkloriada in Russia - Ufa will not take place in July 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.. but will be organized next year !

> THE VI CIOFF WORLD FOLKLORIADA is postponed to 2021

Date of publication: 29.03.2020


Dear friends ;

the government of Bachkortostan on behalf of the Head of the Republic Radiy Khabirov announced the official decision during a press media in Ufa : THE VI CIOFF WORLD FOLKLORIADA is postponed to 2021...
An official letter will be sent next week with the new dates to all the participants (Groups and CIOFF National sections).

It is a sad news for all but we have to be responsible for 3000 young people(dancers- musicians) coming from around 80 countries !

The CIOFF world folkloriada in Russia - Ufa will not take place in July 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.. but will be organized next year !

> THE VI CIOFF WORLD FOLKLORIADA is postponed to 2021

Date of publication: 29.03.2020

CIOFF® Greece Newsletter, interview with CRISTIAN BOGGEN VALENCIA, Creator of CIOFF® 50 anniversary logo.

Question: Are you a professional on animation – painting or creating logos or just an amateur?

Answer: Design is my passion, my trade, my world. Each design is the fruit of many ideas, concepts, dedication and effort, in the same way my work as a graphic designer has always been characterized in more than 23 years of profession.

Question: How do you feel from the fact that your creation is now the official logo for the 50th CIOFF® anniversary?

Answer: I am very fortunate to have the chance to create an image that commemorates 50 years of CIOFF® International. This design was a challenge, an exciting challenge, with a lot of responsibility for what CIOFF® means in the world and this design is and will remain in the retina of thousands of people for the celebration of the 5 decades of this beautiful organization.

Question: What were the ideas and the inspiration of the creation? Which was the reason of choosing specific objects to complete the logo? Is there any story to tell with this?

Answer: HERITAGE AS A CONCEPT, My closeness with Folklore and traditional arts as director for 21 years of the Bafca Ballet Folklorico de Carahue (www.bafca.cl) and as director for 19 years of the International Festival of the Araucanía in Chile, helps me understand and visualize a better concept of what is the "culture as heritage" of the people. In this sense, CIOFF is presented as an institution that safeguards heritage, an idea that inspired me and I wanted to stand out. The hardest; that the image, the concept, represents the different continents and identifies CIOFF members. Under that premise I looked for the largest number of icons and elements that represent different cultures; crafts, Flora, fauna, games, utensils, costumes, instruments, architecture, symbology, etc.

Question: What do you wish to CIOFF® for this special year?

Answer: I hope that this celebration of 50 years be a year of reflection of the peoples, that through folklore we will eliminate borders and the brotherhood among peoples will be enhanced.

Date of publication: 19.03.2020

In loving memory of Dr. Dan Ronen - CIOFF® Israel Chairman

Dan Ronen passed away last month, on January 2nd, 2020. Dr. Dan Ronen was chairman of CIOFF® Israel since 1985 and an active member of the organization since 1970. He received a great honor from the CIOFF organization with the award of the Golden Pin. As chairman of CIOFF® Israel he promoted international connections between the Israeli culture and the rest of the world. He acted to preserve Israeli folk dance and ethnic dance groups and encouraged them to participate in international festivals around the world.

Dr. Dan Ronen was well known within the Israeli dance community as well as the international folk dance community. His contribution spans over 70 years in various areas and positions he served. He was one of the founders of Karmiel Dance Festival in 1988. He participated in the steering committee of the festival for 12 years and was the main narrator of the central events. His life story intersects with all significant historical events of the state of Israel and specifically its arts, dance and culture history.
His contribution was very prominent in various fields of Culture and Arts in Israel as the head of the Art and Culture Department of the Ministry of Education, as well as member of boards of "Betzalel" Art School, The Rubin Academy of Music and Dance in Jerusalem, theaters, dance companies, and many more art institutes in Israel.

Dr. Dan Ronen was also an admired lecturer and researcher of folklore, the preservation of folklore, multicultural society and folk dance. In 2010 he wrote many articles as well as a book on folk dance in Israel.

Many different ethnic groups such as the Kurdish and the Moroccan appreciated his contribution and awarded him with special awards. He was also awarded the title of Jerusalem most worthy person and more. He was member of many committees that advanced the Israeli folk dances, Dance in the Education system as well as many other art forms.
In the introduction to the 3rd Karmiel Dance Festival Ronen wrote the opening comment in the program and described the diversity within Israeli dance:
"Dances of the pioneers and the continuing generations, a mix of "Dabke" and the "Dibuk", Yemenite and Pop, Casablanca and Moscow, holiday traditions of now and then… If they ask us, why are we so happy? Maybe the answer is in the words of the Ba'l Shemtov to the Jewish people who were in trouble at the time"to be sad is a sin and to be happy is a commandment"- being happy will help us deal with all our troubles. Maybe another answer is in the words of the Braslav Rabbi: "a person has to dance at least one dance a day either by action or in thought".

Israeli folk dances are us! They have many faces: they represent vitality, strength and questions. They are a dream of returning to nature and simple life, in a very complicated and cruel world. They search for the answer in the Bible and the desert. They represent a whole life of diversity, contradictions between what we sing and what we do, but they also hold "hope that man was created to raise above the ground and not go under it". Dancing might not solve everything but it allows you to dream about everything.

Dan Ronen always appreciated the special unique qualities of Israeli dance and its capability to bring people together. Israeli dance is unique not only by the collection of dance languages but in the cultural phenomenon itself. Maybe one of a kind in the world in its influence and scope. Tens of thousands of dancers, hundreds of dances and performing dance groups. Dances that were created by the influence of the romantic dreams of revival of the Hebrew culture in the last century. They should probably have been a museum exhibit by now, but apparently they are very much alive and are being created even today, and they serve as pleasure for many.
Israeli dances are a blessing to the dancers in the circles that have no beginning or end, blessing to the songs that we sing and dance. Dances and songs are the past, and they are the future, they are reality, and they are the dream! Even now as we think of the future, we need to always remember that without the past there can be no future.
Dan Ronen's legacy and his love for the Israeli culture will remain in our hearts and we will do our best to continue the path he paved for us. The Israeli dance community will forever cherish his endless contribution and commitment to the field of dance in Israel and around the world.

May he rest in peace

Date of publication: 19.03.2020

Turning Living Intangible Cultural Heritage into an Organized Folk Festival on the Example of International Mask festival in Estonia

The objective of folklore movement in Estonia has always been to promote, safeguard and preserve the richness and variety of our local traditions. In lots of cases, our aim is to reintroduce the knowledge about traditional heritage, to guide people and to show them their uniqueness and local specialty.
The International Mask festival is organized by CIOFF Estonia in November, by turns during existing two traditional holidays, on 9th of November (St. Martin Day or Mardipäev) and on 24th of November (St. Catherine Day or Kadripäev).

The highlight of the festival is the eve of the holiday, when people go from door to door, camouflaged as mythical characters or animals and perform certain luck and prosperity giving rituals in houses. This living tradition is still actively celebrated in most towns and villages in Estonia. Our festival´s uniqueness is that we keep most of the activities, folklore performances, in its original, live environment and context. We bring foreign folklore groups in villages on the actual eve of the holiday, in spontaneous situations, to go from door to door together with locals to experience the living heritage. We invite people to sign up online to see how many people still continue the tradition and celebrate the holiday. In Estonia we have decided to organize this festival as a campaign promoting the tradition, that includes in itself schoolings about the traditions and 4 days of festival activities (stage concerts, workshops etc).

Using living tradition to educate people and raise awareness.

Nowadays the functional background of this tradition as well as many other historic aspects are mostly forgotten. The general situation that CIOFF Estonia faced three years ago when we started our project, was that children and some youth groups were putting on random clothes, some make-up or ash as disguise, and went from door to door, singing only first two or three phrase of traditional songs and asked for candy. This was all what was left from the once rich calendar rituals. They had forgotten the main purposes - wishing luck to the family (which is the main function of the tradition), disguising themselves as a bear, goat or a female Kadri, dancing and singing. What had remained, was the wish to have some fun and memories (from kindergarten, family stories etc) of something that Estonians have been doing during the darkest time of the year, in November.

Raising awareness through fun, a feeling of community and a sense of doing something good
So, we had a diverse living tradition, with local distinctions that had been until today one of the most popular traditional folk calendar celebrations in Estonia (beside Christmas and Midsummer´s Day). We had one form of intangible cultural heritage that is actively celebrated and known by most of Estonians but had totally lost its traditional content, meaning and function. It had also started to mix with the tradition of Halloween because of the lack of knowledge.

CIOFF Estonia’s aim was to use the already living tradition that people are familiar with, and to enrich it with creative content and endless opportunities of local variations. We communicated that celebrating the holiday is fun and playful (we tend to forget it after growing up), and a great way to spend quality time with our loved ones by using the traditions and rituals of our ancestors.
The slogan of our project is “kadrisant on õnne pant”, which means that the central figure of the ritual, masked character called Kadri, is the key to happiness. With this slogan we wanted to remind people the lost meaning of this ritual of going door to door – the masked characters were believed to bring prosperity and happiness. An important part of the ritual is also to say it orally, to actually wish the family health, and nowadays, why not, a new car, a fulfilling job and good grades at school. By inviting people to sign up and to go from door to door in the traditional way, we offered them the opportunity to make someone´s life better through the traditional ritual that brings luck, prosperity and happiness to others. And who does not want to make the world a better place?

We also offered people helping guidelines. We organized free lectures to community members, teachers and mentors, printed a guidebook called “ABC of the Carnival Tradition”, filmed and published exemplary videos on YouTube and uploaded photos, song and lyrics examples on our website etc.
Our goal was not to restore the exact traditional and historical way of celebrating the custom, as it is written down in archive texts. Instead, we invited people to celebrate this tradition using their own creativity while keeping in mind the basic function (to bring luck, not to get treats) and some fundamental activities of the ritual.

International guests as inspiration and role models. Living the tradition instead of performing

Who wouldn’t like to see exotic cultures, ancient rituals and unexpected wonders of the world? As this tradition is known worldwide and has in every culture a very performative and active character, it is attractive for the audience. We have offered for foreign groups to participate in three kind of events: on the eve of the holiday going from door to door in small rural villages together with local groups, giving workshops and meetings in schools with students and children and performing in a staged concert at the end of the festival.
By sending the exotic foreign groups to the villages with local groups to actively celebrate and take part in the Estonian tradition, it has given the locals so much inspiration, courage and spark.
The small performances at schools, prior to the holiday, where foreign groups show and talk about their culture, have proven to be an inspiration and motivation for a lot of children to take part in this movement and to celebrate the holiday in a traditional way.
Inviting foreign groups has turned people’s attention to the tradition and showed that it is present in almost every culture of the world. It is very important to show the similarities and the differences of the cultures. With the help of foreign groups, during the three years of the campaign and festival, Estonians have started to value more our own carnival tradition.
When people saw at our first festival grown-up Sardinian men as boes and merdules, presenting their carnival rituals with ultimate focus and passion, it made people understand what we had been trying to explain - it is actually a grown-ups ritual with serious and specific functions, not children´s play for getting sweets.

An open call to count all the kadrisandid and mardisandid.

In 2019 we made an open call to count all the people going from door to door, and it was enormously popular among journalists and media. Now all of a sudden, an NGO has decided to count traditional mythical creatures. This call was also well received by people. We had a simple registration form on our website where people could mark the region, name of the group leader and how many people are in their group. We received response from 601 groups with almost 4000 participants!

Date of publication: 19.03.2020


CIOFF® INDIA in Support with Charu Castle Foundation organized a big Photo Exhibition that highlights the vibrancy of Culture, Supporting the propagation of ICH Element, Performing Arts, defined by UNESCO was a great success held in India in October , November 2019.

An art Exhibition is traditionally the space in which art Objects meet an audience, but here in this Photo Exhibition, Culture meets the audience, and that’s not only from India but Culture of various countries are displayed in framed Photographs that’s highlighted the Culture – Folkdances from various regions, countries and tribes defining Rich Cultural heritage of Costumes, Accessories and various themes of cultures beyond boundaries.

More than 150 photographs were displayed from India, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Estonia, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Russia, Philippines, Spain, Turkey, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Bhutan, Egypt etc.
A large number of Art lovers and students and other visitors fascinated by the Photo Exhibition theme and visited the place that is beautifully decorated with the theme Culture.

“Art and Culture knows no boundaries”, Photo Exhibition is a very creative way to bring the culture of the world near to audience and people from different walks of life. An important activity bring the culture alive and a platform where the Unity in Diversity, can be seen said by the curator Pawan Kapoor, National Delegate of CIOFF® INDIA.

Chairman of CCF, Mr. Kapoor added that India a multicultural country and these kind of activities focuses the need to preserve, promote and safeguard the rich culture of India , through various activities. To bring it more closer to audiences and show them the importance the Photo Exhibition travelled various states of North India which is applauded and appreciated by all.

Date of publication: 19.03.2020

Blue Print in Germany

Blue printing is a centuries-old technique of fabric finishing. In Germany, there are only 12 factories that practice this form of culture. In 2015, Norbert Müller, President of CIOFF® Deutschland, suggested to German blue printers that they apply to the German National Commission for UNESCO for inclusion in the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage. This application was successfully accepted and the blueprint was already included in the German directory in 2016. Together with Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary, a joint application was submitted in 2017 for inclusion in the International List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. In this application it was also mentioned that the blue printers cooperate with NGOs and CIOFF® was specifically mentioned here. CIOFF® Germany has blueprints as official gifts for many years. The Intergovernmental UNESCO Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage included the blueprint in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on November 28, 2018 in Port Louis, Mauritius.
On June 4, 2019, the ceremony to hand over the certificates for the recognition of the blueprint as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity to the German blue printers took place in Berlin. CIOFF® Deutschland was invited by the German National Commission for UNESCO to participate in this important event.

Date of publication: 19.03.2020

2020: 50th Anniversary of CIOFF® - 75th Anniversary of UNESCO

2020: 50th Anniversary of CIOFF® - 75th Anniversary of UNESCO In the year 2020 we are celebrating 2 very important anniversaries :
75 years ago the UN agency UNESCO was created to promote education,science and culture as key elements for development, prosperity, mutual understanding, tolerance and peace in the whole world. Today 193 states are participating in implementing many different Conventions in their governments and also involving social society –

50 years ago CIOFF® was born in Confolens (France) by Henri Coursaget as an NGO to provide a network for international folklore festivals and promote traditional art all over the world. CIOFF® developed through many Congresses, Forums, Cultural Conferences, Folkloriadas and many other cultural events to the NGO with a very visible aim to safeguard, promote and present all forms of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

In 2003 UNESCO voted a new Convention for Safeguarding and promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage - CIOFF® recognized the role of NGOs in this Convention and its own role in the implementation of above mentioned Convention on international, national and local level. After having obtained the official partnership with UNESCO and accreditation to provide services to the UNESCO ICH Committee CIOFF® adopted a new Strategy and Cultural Policy to incorporate and serve better the UNESCO aims in CIOFF® work. We realised that CIOFF® international festivals are representing the worldwide contribution to saveguard living traditions and together with other cultural activities CIOFF® is a real partner of promoting most important UNESCO aims – building peace in the world of today and tomorrow.

The Organization of the CIOFF® Flagship event – CIOFF® International Festival in UNESCO headquarter every year is also one important event done together.This is the reason why the two Anniversaries can be celebrated together with a lot of best wishes for CIOFF® and UNESCO for a better cooperation in the future!

Philippe Beaussant - CIOFF® President – Vice President of the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee

Date of publication: 25.02.2020

CIOFF® office in Sharjah

CIOFF® office in Sharjah our president Philippe Beaussant visited the opening of CIOFF® office in Sharjah. Our new office is in center where features six international organisations that will work together to enhance communication and cultural exchange and promote the authenticity of their culture. and here is what thay wrote about us:

> CIOFF® office in Sharjah

Date of publication: 26.12.2019

CIOFF® in Sharjah Heritage Days 2019

CIOFF® in Sharjah Heritage Days 2019 In partnership with SHARJAH Institute for Heritage CIOFF® will be present during the next Festival Heritage Days in Sharjah from 8 to 14th of April with 8 Folk groups from several countries and CIOFF® council members will be the guests of Sharjah Institute for the CIOFF® spring Council meeting from 8 to 14th of April ! we are proud of this important partnership for both organizations !

Date of publication: 31.03.2019

CIOFF® Spring Council Meeting in Sharjah / United Arab Emirates

CIOFF® EXCO and Council Spring Meeting in Sharjah / United Arab Emirates from 07. - 14. April 2019. The meeting is hosted by the CIOFF® member Sharjah Institute for Heritage

Date of publication: 02.02.2019

CIOFF® EXCO and Council Meeting in Cori / Italy

CIOFF® Spring EXCO and Council Meetings 2018
Festivals Commission and Cultural Commission Meeting
14th – 21st April 2018
Cori – Italy

This year in Cori, Italy, the

Date of publication: 17.04.2018

REPORT ON THE 39th UNESCO GENERAL Conference, Paris 30.10.-14.11.2017

The 39th UNESCO General Conference took place in Paris, from October 30 to November 14, 2017. Representatives (Heads of States, Governments, Ambassadors) of many UNESCO members delivered their speeches during the first week of the plenary meeting, Director General Irina Bokova answered to all of them on 6 November 2017. This day was also opened to the speeches presented by some NGOs and especially by the President of NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee, Philippe Beaussant.

The second part of General Conference was mainly dedicated to the meetings of all UNESCO Committees and Commissions, Leader's Forum. NGOs had a special place for their own presentations during the whole General Conference - carefully prepared by NGO –UNESCO Liaison Committee (Philippe Beaussant) and the Secretariat. Day-to-day program was organized – Magdalena Tovornik presented the ICH NGOs Forum work as a new tool for a collective work of many NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO, which already improved the cooperation with UNESCO. The visibility of NGOs work was an important achievement of this General Conference.

After finishing 2 mandates of Director General Irina Bokova, General Conference elected Audrey Azoulay (France) as a new UNESCO Director General for next 4 years.

The 39th UNESCO General Conference –GC- was chaired by the Ambassador of Morocco to UNESCO, Mrs. Zouhour Alaoni. As usual this great event included Plenary Sessions, Committees and Commissions meetings, Leader' Forum, NGO meetings and some cultural events. From 25.-26. October the UNESCO Youth Forum took place and the Report of their work was presented during the 39th GA.

CIOFF® has been participating in the GA (partly) for many years. Two important points marked this year at least:

1. NGOs have got their own space –hall Segur – for their presentations, meetings etc. – as a part of the GA (much more important than previous years), organized by NGO – UNESCO Liaison Committee chaired by our president Philippe Beaussant

2. Elections of new Director General of UNESCO

Plenary sessions took place mostly the first week of GA – many members' states representatives took the floor to express their view on the UNESCO work during the last 2 years in their own countries but also the guidelines for the future work of this organization. At the beginning of the second week (November 6) Director General Irina Bokova made a statement in answer to all previous debates. This was also an opportunity for some NGOs to present their Reports and of NGO – UNESCO Liaison Committee report, presented by Philippe Beaussant.

Committees and Commissions of UNESCO held their separate meetings – I assisted the Cultural Committee meetings. An important part of this meeting I consider the Report by the above mentioned Youth Forum : they were quite critical on the present situation in different members' states especially in the field of Intangible Cultural Heritage because this field strongly depend on the transfer to young generations....they also presented Recommendations and their priorities for the next 2 years. Many countries (especially from Africa) presented the cooperation with Youth with their respective governments.

Leader's Forum is a platform for Heads of States, Prime ministers and Ministers to discuss global issues – this year was concentrated on the 2003 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 main goals in the fields of UNESCO activities. First also the presence of the President of France was announced but finally he did not participate.

NGOs meetings in hall Segur were definitely the great success of this GA. The whole program was carefully prepared and organized by the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee and the Secretariat of UNESCO. The space was opened during the whole GA session - many presentations and debates about the work done from the last GA and especially the future plans were discussed. The audience could not be better – the hall was often too small for many NGOs representatives, some Ambassadors of different countries also joint the meeting. For the first time NGOs really got the big visibility – this is extremely important for even better cooperation of civil society and the intergovernmental part of UNESCO.

CIOFF® was very visibly represented all the time: first by permanent presence of Philippe Beaussant and the second week also by Magdalena Tovornik – I presented the work of ICH NGOs Forum which is a unique form of collective work of NGOs official partner of UNESCO. Many NGOs showed an interest in our work.

Elections of half of the members of UNESCO Executive Council took place during each GA session – so, 27 new countries became members of this important body for next 4 years.

Election of the new UNESCO Director General was the most expected act of this GA. The two mandates of Director General Irina Bokova ended and many candidates (mostly from Arabic region) presented their candidature. The first 'act' of elections was done by UNESCO Executive Council meeting given the first place to a French candidate Madame AUDREY AZOULAY, ex minister of culture in France. As it is usually the case, General Conference supported this candidate with great majority. In her speech, the new Director General presented her guidelines for the future work of this great organization not ignoring the big financial problems they have to resolve. She took the office on the 15. November 2017.

Tribute to Irina Bokova was a very special event organized in the evening of the last day of the GA. The biggest UNESCO hall was packed with people who wanted to thank her for the work she did during her two mandates. The videos showed her visits to Iran, Afghanistan, Africa, Asia and other places where she defended the cultural heritage of humanity in danger and showed her great interest to develop education as an important tool for better life of new generations.

Her intense cooperation with United Nations was presented as a very courageous part of her work and of UNESCO visibility in culture, education, science, environment etc.

A very interesting multi - cultural program (music, folklore dances from different continents) marked this special event at the end of 39th UNESCO General Conference 2017.

Date of publication: 13.03.2018

CIOFF® World Folkloriada in Russia / Ufa

CIOFF® World Folkloriada in Russia / Ufa On February 6, the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order on the composition of the Organizing Committee for the preparation for the CIOFF® World Folkloriada - 2020 in Ufa. The vice-premier of the Government of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets was appointed as its chairman. The vice-presidents of the Organizing Committee are the Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky and the Head of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov.
The Organizing Committee will have to develop and approve a plan of the main activities for preparation and holding for the festival.
Also, the Organizing Committee will include: First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee for Science, Education and Culture, Senator Liliya Gumerova from Bashkiria, Mikhail Zakomaldin, Chief Federal Inspector for the Republic of Bashkortostan of the Plenipotentiary Envoy Office of the President of Russia to the Volga Federal District, Deputy Prime Minister Salavat Sagitov, Minister of Culture of Bashkortostan Amina Shafikova and others.
The World Folklore Festival is the largest international festival of traditional culture. The event is held every four years. Ufa was chosen as the venue for the festival in 2020 at the World Congress and the General Assembly of the International Council for the Organization of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts (CIOFF®).

> Signature of Composition of Organizing Committee

Date of publication: 09.02.2018

47th CIOFF® World Congress 2017

47th CIOFF® World Congress 2017 The 47th CIOFF® World Congress 2017 will take place in Tenggarong - Kutai Kartanegara on the Island of Borneo / Indonesia from October 19 to 29.
As in the years before, the CIOFF® World Congress is under the patronage of UNESCO. The Agenda includes amongst others normal formalities. Very important is again the Cultural Conference. During the congress, there will be elections to the Council. Open positions from the Executive Committee are the President, the Vice-President for Administrative Affairs and the Treasurer. The General Assembly will also decide about the Strategy for the next four years.

Date of publication: 31.08.2017


Today, 9th of October, started with an Open Forum at CIOFF World Congress. Daniele Parbuono, member of CIOFF Italy, based his speech on folklore festivals, its evolution, relation and policies. The speaker stressed out that traditions are part of contemporary world - what we are building today, might be soon a tradition. The listeners gave good examples mainly about teaching the groups and an audience on presented topics and materials, and in finding ways to have relations with UNESCO and local authorities. Hopefully the forum encouraged everybody to think over the aspects that until now have not been working as efficiently as they should.

Date of publication: 09.10.2016

Exciting CIOFF Cultural Conference in Fiuggi, Italy

Exciting CIOFF Cultural Conference in Fiuggi, Italy On Saturday 8th October, a very interesting CIOFF cultural conference took place. This year was dedicated to the typical sounds of Italy. In the first part the President of Italian Commission of UNESCO had a speech concerning the organization of Ministery of Cultural Affairs in Italy and a little history of that.
In the second part was showed us the spirit of Italian traditional music. It was a pleasure to learn that most of the speakers are youth, dedicated to the study of traditional instruments and italian folk music: idiofonos, drums and organetto.
The speakers demonstrated emotionally how italian typical instruments are played and their skillful playing engaged a lot the audience!

Date of publication: 08.10.2016


EMBROIDERIES OF MEXICO A huge diversity has been offered by the exhibition of Embroideries of Mexico in the frame of CIOFF® World Folkloriada. This enormous event held in Zacatecas, is arousing the interest of the public.
The large mexican territory, has given, obviously, place to a big variety of cultural, enogastronomic, musical, dance events and also the customs are recognised universally, as cultural heritage.
A very interesting kind of customs that we consider important to mention is the traditional Embroidery. It presents itself as a mark which reflects the ancientness, the regionality, the social differences and the local identity.
The exhibition is composed by very different designs, techniques, ornamental motifs, different uses from the customs to the household utensils, symbolisms which escape from the normal flora and fauna and go deeper in the popular beliefs, myths, legends to be molded in singular aesthetics and impressed on tissues.

Date of publication: 05.08.2016


The musical instruments, essential in the life of all people of around the world, have a special space in the 5th World CIOFF® Folkloriada realized in Zacatecas.
Music is a daily component of human life.
The creativity to obtain sounds, using from the simplest to the most complicated implements, did not find limits in the times.
The permanent pursuit of new rhythms, new melodies which allow to express spiritual emotions which, normally, boost movement, so the dance.
Such communion among man and music is what is shown in this interesting exhibition of pictures of musical instruments.

Date of publication: 05.08.2016


THREE PRESIDENT OF CIOFF® Three generations, three important contribution to CIOFF® from left to right, we have Kari Bergholm, Philippe Beaussant y Guy Landry. The first one and the third one are former Presidents of CIOFF®. The second one is the current highest executive of our organization. They live intensely every moment of the great World CIOFF® Folkloriada which is taking place in the city of Zacatecas, Mexico.

Date of publication: 04.08.2016


WORLD HANDICRAFTS AT FOLKLORIADA A very interesting exhibition of handicrafts from different countries, is open to the public, it is included in the frame of the 5th CIOFF® World Folkloriada. It is one of the main points of interest in such huge event, developed in the beautiful city of Zacatecas.
Coherently with the instructions of the ICH Convention of UNESCO, the World CIOFF® Folkloriada has planned a space destined to whom it concerns: the artisans.
Women and men, thank to their creativity on making handicraft, not only expose their own creations but they work in real time and make workshops to the people who are interested in learn it.
We can find different raw materials, many different processing techniques, many ornamental motifs rich of ancestral messages, essential tools as the hand of the creators which reflect the identities of the people..
That’s a wonderful conjuction that doesn’t admit linguistic differences..the action, the glance, the technique to obtain the shape, transmit much more than thousand of words.

Date of publication: 04.08.2016

BRILLIANT OPENING OF FOLKLORIADA .The world party is based in Zacatecas!

BRILLIANT OPENING OF FOLKLORIADA .The world party is based in Zacatecas! The biggest cultural event of the world started last Saturday 30th July with an official opening to the 5th CIOFF® World Folkloriada. In the “Francisco Villa” Stadium, filled of thousand people, the official opening received the adequate frame for the impressive inauguration.
The giant stage build in the centre of the football stadium, served to the 240 dancers of Zacatecas who performed different dances of several times of Mexican history, starting from its first indigenous roots. This excellent sample of music and dances has been acclaimed from the public.
First of all, the international delegations which attend the Folkloriada, paraded with their own flags and their joy infected the public which replied with fabulous “waves”.
CIOFF® President, Mr. Philippe Beaussant, gave a message of valorization of peace. “In such a current convulsed world, - told in his speech - in which there’s no respect to life through terrorist attacks en different modalities and different way of terrorism in the countries, CIOFF® raises up the flag of PEACE and gives effect to its own motto “For a culture of PEACE”.
He underlined the importance for CIOFF® of music, songs, dances, rituals, traditional games etc. All of them are tools for a “Culture of Peace”.
After that, the Governor of Zacatecas, Mr. Miguel Alonso Reyes, welcomed the artistic delegations and highlighted that Zacatecas has the open arms to receive the artist coming from all over the world who bring sus cultural expressions to this great festival.
After the institutional part, exhibition of synchronized dances was admirable, deside the great enthusiasm and fervor of the dancers.
A spectacular and very colorful end was animated by fireworks which have been celebrated by the public. Such unforgettable inauguration of the 5th CIOFF® World Folkloriada was realized!

Date of publication: 31.07.2016


SPEECH OF CIOFF® PRESIDENT TO THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF 5th WORLD CIOFF® FOLKLORIADA IN ZACATECAS, MEXICO Mr. Governor of the Zacatecas State, Mr. Representative of the Government of Zacatecas and all over the world, Mr. Ambassador of Palestine, Mrs. Minister of Culture of Bashkortostan, dear Honorary Members of CIOFF®, Mr. Guy Landry and Mr. Kari Bergholm, Mr. Alejandro Camacho Gonzalez, President of CIOFF® Mexico, Mr. Prof. Alcides Hugo Ifran, chairman of Folkloriada Committee, Ms. Isabelle Coursaget, daughter f CIOFF® Founder, friends of CIOFF® and friends of all present delegations, ladies and gentlemen:
Today Zacatecas is the great world stage in which the 5th CIOFF® World Folkloriada takes place. It is like a big Olympiads of Folklore without any competition which, usually, characterizes the sport event held every 4 years.
More than 1500 artists coming from up to 50 countries give life to such a enormous cultural exhibition, that is taking place in a Latin American country for the first time.
Delegations with musicians, dancers, singers, artisans, youth, players of traditional games are arriving from all over the world. Many expositions and Forums are planned in parallel to the shows and parades which enrich the large program of this Folkloriada.
The first took place in Netherlands, the second in Japan, the third in Hungary and the forth in South Korea. Today Mexico is the amphitryon of such great event; it will be followed by an International Festival of CIOFF® Mexico spread in other Mexican states which will host the international groups involved in the Folkloriada.
Since 1995, Zacatecas organizes one of the most important International CIOFF® Festivals, “Festival Internacional Gustavo Vaqueras Contreras” and today I want to think about our great friend Gustavo who started such an awesome and beautiful history..at the same time, I would like to think, also, about CIOFF® Founder Henri Coursaget who looked beyond the time, when CIOFF® has been created in 1970 in Confolens, France, in order to make all this movement of traditional arts all around the world, be possible.

For a culture of peace.

In such a current convulsed world, in which there’s no respect to life through terrorist attacks en different modalities and different way of terrorism in the countries, CIOFF® raises up the flag of PEACE and gives effect to its own motto “For a culture of PEACE”. We are free men and free women who works for peace, freedom and democracy!
CIOFF® (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Traditional Arts) is a NGO in official collaboration with UNESCO, accredited to proceed as advisor in the ICH UNESCO Committee. Currently, CIOFF® is present in 115 different countries and has more than 13000 folklore groups and organizations of Folklore. Today CIOFF® coordinates, globally, about 350 International Folklore Festivals, which put together thousands of people from all over the world with the mission to encourage the cultural exchanges and with the aim to promote a spirit of friendship and peace.
CIOFF® offers a great chance of exchange through more than 50000 artists who love the Intangible Cultural Heritage of all continents and who aim to promote friendship, combine the pursuit of peace and appreciation of cultural diversity. CIOFF® also rejoices the different kind of popular arts as representative of a cultural of peace and, in this way, helps to promote peace among people and nations. CIOFF® is fully united to UNESCO principles of peace and international understanding.
CIOFF® is a true partner in the promotion of the most important objectives of UNESCO : build peace in the world of today and tomorrow.
As in the capital of Zacatecas State, in other cities numerous stages have been built for the presentation of artistic groups and it will allow the public to enjoy the different cultural proposals scheduled in the plan.
Framed in the Folkloriada, the 7th CIOFF® Youth World Forum and the Forum of Folk Group directors will take place. Excellent areas have been prepared for exhibitions of traditional instruments from all over the world, Mexican embroideries, photos of traditional trades which are disappearing and traditional games, workshops and samples of handicrafts etc.
During the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, paths will be marked for parades all along the main streets of the “World Heritage of UNESCO ” city in order to let the intermediate space between the paths, will show an extraordinary sign of cultural diversity of the world projected to the idea of PEACE.
Dignitaries and officers of foreign countries and special guests: the world is having a new proof of the vibrant feelings of men and women who have made the Folklore their own way of work for the universal brotherhood!
Hurray the 5th CIOFF® World Folkloriada here in Zacatecas, Mexico!!!

Mr. Philippe Beaussant
CIOFF® President and Secretary of Liaison Committee NGO-UNESCO.

Date of publication: 31.07.2016


SPEECH OF CIOFF® PRESIDENT TO THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF 5th WORLD CIOFF® FOLKLORIADA IN ZACATECAS, MEXICO Mr. Governor of the Zacatecas State, Mr. Representative of the Government of Zacatecas and all over the world, Mr. Ambassador of Palestine, Mrs. Minister of Culture of Bashkortostan, dear Honorary Members of CIOFF®, Mr. Guy Landry and Mr. Kari Bergholm, Mr. Alejandro Camacho Gonzalez, President of CIOFF® Mexico, Mr. Prof. Alcides Hugo Ifran, chairman of Folkloriada Committee, Ms. Isabelle Coursaget, daughter f CIOFF® Founder, friends of CIOFF® and friends of all present delegations, ladies and gentlemen:
Today Zacatecas is the great world stage in which the 5th CIOFF® World Folkloriada takes place. It is like a big Olympiads of Folklore without any competition which, usually, characterizes the sport event held every 4 years.
More than 1500 artists coming from up to 50 countries give life to such a enormous cultural exhibition, that is taking place in a Latin American country for the first time.
Delegations with musicians, dancers, singers, artisans, youth, players of traditional games are arriving from all over the world. Many expositions and Forums are planned in parallel to the shows and parades which enrich the large program of this Folkloriada.
The first took place in Netherlands, the second in Japan, the third in Hungary and the forth in South Korea. Today Mexico is the amphitryon of such great event; it will be followed by an International Festival of CIOFF® Mexico spread in other Mexican states which will host the international groups involved in the Folkloriada.
Since 1995, Zacatecas organizes one of the most important International CIOFF® Festivals, “Festival Internacional Gustavo Vaqueras Contreras” and today I want to think about our great friend Gustavo who started such an awesome and beautiful history..at the same time, I would like to think, also, about CIOFF® Founder Henri Coursaget who looked beyond the time, when CIOFF® has been created in 1970 in Confolens, France, in order to make all this movement of traditional arts all around the world, be possible.

For a culture of peace.

In such a current convulsed world, in which there’s no respect to life through terrorist attacks en different modalities and different way of terrorism in the countries, CIOFF® raises up the flag of PEACE and gives effect to its own motto “For a culture of PEACE”. We are free men and free women who works for peace, freedom and democracy!
CIOFF® (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Traditional Arts) is a NGO in official collaboration with UNESCO, accredited to proceed as advisor in the ICH UNESCO Committee. Currently, CIOFF® is present in 115 different countries and has more than 13000 folklore groups and organizations of Folklore. Today CIOFF® coordinates, globally, about 350 International Folklore Festivals, which put together thousands of people from all over the world with the mission to encourage the cultural exchanges and with the aim to promote a spirit of friendship and peace.
CIOFF® offers a great chance of exchange through more than 50000 artists who love the Intangible Cultural Heritage of all continents and who aim to promote friendship, combine the pursuit of peace and appreciation of cultural diversity. CIOFF® also rejoices the different kind of popular arts as representative of a cultural of peace and, in this way, helps to promote peace among people and nations. CIOFF® is fully united to UNESCO principles of peace and international understanding.
CIOFF® is a true partner in the promotion of the most important objectives of UNESCO : build peace in the world of today and tomorrow.
As in the capital of Zacatecas State, in other cities numerous stages have been built for the presentation of artistic groups and it will allow the public to enjoy the different cultural proposals scheduled in the plan.
Framed in the Folkloriada, the 7th CIOFF® Youth World Forum and the Forum of Folk Group directors will take place. Excellent areas have been prepared for exhibitions of traditional instruments from all over the world, Mexican embroideries, photos of traditional trades which are disappearing and traditional games, workshops and samples of handicrafts etc.
During the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, paths will be marked for parades all along the main streets of the “World Heritage of UNESCO ” city in order to let the intermediate space between the paths, will show an extraordinary sign of cultural diversity of the world projected to the idea of PEACE.
Dignitaries and officers of foreign countries and special guests: the world is having a new proof of the vibrant feelings of men and women who have made the Folklore their own way of work for the universal brotherhood!
Hurray the 5th CIOFF® World Folkloriada here in Zacatecas, Mexico!!!

Mr. Philippe Beaussant
CIOFF® President and Secretary of Liaison Committee NGO-UNESCO.

Date of publication: 31.07.2016


THREE GLORIES OF CIOFF® The 5th CIOFF® World Folkloriada in Zacatecas, allowed to put together three consular figures of CIOFF®. They are the ex World Presidents, Mr. Kari Bergholm and Mr. Guy Landry and the ex Vice President Mr. Alcides Hugo Ifran. All of them are proponents of fruitful actions to the increasing of the organization.
Each one of them, helped with their energies and efforts- and they still act like that – CIOFF® to grow and to strengthen during years.
These three great cultural workers deserve the recognition from all world of CIOFF®. They true glories of our entity.

Date of publication: 31.07.2016

FOLKLORIADA 2020 Looking at the future

FOLKLORIADA 2020   Looking at the future CIOFF® doesn’t stop. The Oficial Opening of 5th World CIOFF Folkloriada is starting in few hours and a meeting between CIOFF® officers and the Minister of Culture of Bashkortostan, country will host the 6th CIOFF Folkloriada took place in Zacatecas.
The meeting held at midday; CIOFF® President, Mr. Philippe Beaussant, the Minister of Culture of Bashkortostan Mrs. Amina Shafikova, the Chairman of Folkloriada Committee, Mr. Alcides Hugo Ifran were present in the meeting.
Mr. Hugo Ifran welcomed the Minister of Culture and explained to her the steps to formalize the project to be develop in Bashkortostan.
The signing of the agreement will be realize during the next CIOFF® World Congress in Italy. Authorities of CIOFF® have been present during the meeting: Mr. Alejandro Camacho Gonzalez, Vice President of CIOFF® for cultural affairs (also President of CIOFF® Mexico) and the delegation of Bashkortostan.

Date of publication: 31.07.2016

Program Youth Forum / Programa Foro Juventud

Program Youth Forum / Programa Foro Juventud 7th World CIOFF® Youth Forum - Zacatecas, Mexico

The objectives of World CIOFF® Youth Forum are to spread and develop the CIOFF® Youth Movement all over the world. To encourage the youth to promote the intangible heritage, through forms of expressions such as dance, music, games, rituals, customs and other arts. Thus, young people from different parts of the world have the chance of joining and sharing experiences and knowledge through the world forum, which takes place every two years. It works towards achieving other CIOFF® aims in consultative relationship with UNESCO. At present, the CIOFF® Youth World Forum is a landmark of the development and spreading of Youth movement. It is a symbol that several youth movements can work together in unity and harmony.

The 7th World CIOFF® Youth Forum can be characterized special. Not only it will take place in a historic cultural country like Mexico but it will be part of the 5th World FOLKLORIADA. It will be the most crowded forum with the participation of more than 80 youth from each part of the world. The Youth CIOFF® Commission taking into consideration the importance of this Forum, prepared various activities, workshops, presentations, exhibitions as well as a Special Edition, always by following UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage programs. You will find all the details regarding the program in the next pages. You are all invited!

F a c e b o o k : @ C I O F F y o u t h

E m a i l : c i o f f . y c c @ g m a i l . c o m

Y o u T u b e : C I O F F Y o u t h c h a n n e l

E-Journal: http://ar cg.is/1sycstu

> Program Youth Forum / Programa Foro Juventud

Date of publication: 27.07.2016


CIOFF® International in cooperation with CIOFF® Italy is proud to announce the 1st Open Assembly, open for participation for anyone interested in the work of CIOFF® International, including representatives of festivals, folklore groups, folklore and cultural organizations and individuals.
CIOFF® Open Assembly will include – Opening Ceremony,
Cultural Conference “Beautiful sounds of Italy. Traditional musical instruments” CIOFF® Open Forum “Folklore Festivals – Evolution, Relations and Policies” Presentations of “Good Practice” by CIOFF® National Sections
Presentations covering the work of CIOFF®, CIOFF® and UNESCO Presentations by CIOFF® Commissions and Committees

> Invitation and Registration

Date of publication: 18.07.2016


FRUITFUL MEETINGS Amid an atmosphere of great camaraderie, dialog and analysis of plans and projects that will contribute to the enhancement of the worldwide organization ended the meeting of the World Council of CIOFF®, held in the Mexican city of Zacatecas, from 21 to 28 February 2016.

On occasion, more than discuss the inherent issues of CIOFF®, it was presented the detailed information of what will be the world Folkloriada to be held here from July 30 to August 7, supported the government of the State.

Local authorities stated repeatedly, along several interviews with members of the Council, headed by its president Philippe Beaussant, the governor of the State, Lic. Miguel Alonso Reyes, he ordered his staff provide all necessary support for success of this 5th World Folkloriada.

Without further ado, the chief of staff of the highest authority of the state, said: “Our governor, Sr. Miguel Alonso Reyes, gave us the instruction to not skimping effort to that success crowns the most important cultural event in the world that will take place in our state. All activities from beginning to end will have our full support”.

For his part, President Philippe Beaussant, while grateful for the willingness, asked the CIOFF® authorities of Mexico, headed by its owner Alejandro Camacho González, work in coordination so that the idea of turning the capital Zacatecas World Folklore, 30 July to 8 August, it becomes a beautiful reality.

As an example, the Secretary of Tourism, Pedro Inguanzo González, reported that the entity in charge will endeavor to promote profusely for all media, radio, television, newspapers and other digital media, the 5th World Folkloriada, and for that purpose and by order of the governor, the budget provided for in this area will increase from 2 million to 4 million pesos, i.e. an increase of 100 % of the initial forecast.

Finally, both the Chairman of the Committee for CIOFF® Folkloriada Prof. Alcides Hugo Ifrán, President of the Mexican National Section of CIOFF, Master Alejandro Camacho González, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Norbert Mueller, the General Secretary, Olga Maloney, the Treasurer, Treasurer Esa Vilhonen, the chairperson of the Committee on Culture, Prof. Beatriz Sangoy and the President of the Commission Communication and Public Relations Oscar Delgado and about 30 officials including the Secretary of Education Prof. Marco Vinicio Flores Chávez (main reference of the Government in the organization of the Folkloriada ), the one from the Public Security and the Coordinator of the Folkloriada by the Government of Zacatecas, Sr. Antonio Jacobo de Luna, who expressed their agreement to work together to make Zacatecas the apex of the Folkloric information world between July 30 to August 7.

The meeting of the CIOFF® World Council was presided over by its President Philippe Beaussant, and attended by the Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Norbert Mueller, Vice President for Cultural Affairs, Alejandro Camacho González, the General Secretary, Olga Maloney, the Treasurer, Treasurer Esa Vilhonen, the president of Communication and Public Relations Comission, Oscar Delgado, the chairperson of Cultural Comission, Beatriz Sangoy, the president of Legal Comission, Francesco Mallozzi, the president of Youth CIOFF®, Antonio Mallozzi. Also they attended by representatives of the sectors: Asia y Oceania: Muammer Arslan]; from North America, Alexander P. Durtka, Jr., from North Europe, Riitta Korhonen and from South Europe, Anna Maria Boileau.

Date of publication: 17.03.2016


CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL CIOFF’S WOMEN All over the world it’s remembered today the International Women's Day, and CIOFF can’t be absent in this remembrance, because day by day we remember them and we admired their tenacious work that they do inside our organization. To all go our sincere congratulations and appreciation forever.

March wasn’t a month at random to proclaim this date as International Women's Day, because it is remembered the struggle of women in this month in 1908 filling up The Big Apple, New York, (USA), shouting " Bread and roses!", claiming for better pay, voting rights , reduced working hours and decent working conditions. They inherited the start of struggle of the workers of the networkers’ textile, who already in 1957, also in March, raised their voices for their labor rights to create their unions in 1959. These protests were supported strongly by the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, in the Axh building, in New York. Most of them were young women between 14 and 23 years, Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe and Italy who earned their living in this shirt factory in the district of Manhattan. 146 people died, of which 123 were women. They couldn’t escape the fire that spread rapidly and could be caused by a cigarette butt or the motor of a sewing machine. The factory was a mousetrap; the fire occurred in the eighth, ninth and tenth floor; it didn’t have stairs and only worked the elevator; many of the 500 workers jumped through windows to not die burned. The fire revealed the lack of security and inhumane working conditions in textile workers in this and other factories. After the disaster, all of New York joined in mourning the victims. The events brought solidarity and international assistance with Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU), a union of pioneering textile workers in the workers' defense. To this were joined other civil and religious women’s organizations. The tragedy of the Triangle Shirtweist brought important legislative changes.

A date with history

The recognition of International Women's Day marked even more feminine feeling in the pursuit of fairness, justice and equality for women around the world, often separated by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences. However, they have more than 90 years since he started beating the spirit of demands for recognition and space. The idea of a day to highlight women emerged in the late nineteenth century, in a time of industrialization, expansion and turbulence of populations and radical ideologies.

It was in 1910, during an international conference of socialist women, when the german Clara Zetkin proposed the establishment on March 8 as International Women's Day, in homage to those who carried out the first actions of organized women workers against capitalist exploitation. In 1917 the Russian workers took to the streets demanding "peace, bread and freedom", starting the greatest revolution of the twentieth century.

After decades of organized struggle, proposals and formal debates (conventions, congresses), the United Nations Charter, signed in 1945, was the first international agreement to affirm the principle of equality between men and women. Since then the UN has helped create a historic legacy of strategies, policies, programs and internationally agreed targets for improving the status of women worldwide.

Millennial presence

Over the years, negotiations and spaces won by feminism, the Women's Day has lost its working-class character, becoming a day in claiming rights in all areas. In some places, they are demanding basic rights such as access to education, culture, work or politics. Thousands of women have made very important contributions.

Date of publication: 17.03.2016


GREAT ACHIEVEMENT IN THE JOINT MEETING ABOUT FOLKLORIADA 2016 IN ZACATECAS, MEXICO In the frame of the scheduled activities in order to determine last details for the organization of the 5th CIOFF® World Folkloriada, an important meeting took place; the Secretary of Education of the Government of Zacatecas, Prof. Marco Vinicio Flores Chavez, CIOFF® President, Philippe Beaussant, the Coordinator for Folkloriada of the Government of Zacatecas, Mr. Antonio Jacobo De Luna, the Chairman of CIOFF® Folkloriada Committee, Prof. Alcides Hugo Ifran and the President of Mexican National Section of CIOFF®, Mr. Alejandro Camacho Gonzalez were present in this meeting.
It is important to inform that the proposal to organize the Folkloriada started more than 3 years ago and CIOFF® is compromised to organize a memorable event not only considering the big ammount of participating countries and activities but also a new concept which would strengthen the links with UNESCO, through cultural activities regarding Intangible Cultural Heritage.
The Government of the State ratified the official agreement openly, reaffirming its will to realize the scheduled project produced by CIOFF®. The project ensures the participation of about 70 countries coming from all continents.
CIOFF® National Sections of Mexico, on its side, confirmed previous agreements with the Government of Zacatecas, becoming an operative team, destined not only to cooperate to the realization of the activities in Zacatecas, but also in extending the work to other 17 States of the Mexican Republic.
Exhibitions of World Musical Instruments, Mexican Embroideries (the idea is to present them as ICH to UNESCO), workshops and exhibitions of artisans coming from more than 50 countries, 7th World CIOFF® Youth Forum, World Forum of the Folk Groups Directors: all these activities will be held in Zacatecas during the 5th CIOFF® World Folkloriada from 1st to 7th August 2016.
A better news could be almost impossible! Let's go up, CIOFF®!

Date of publication: 26.02.2016


CIOFF® COUNCIL PARTECIPATED TO THE CELEBRATION OF THE DAY OF MEXICAN FLAG WHICH TOOK PLACE ON 24TH FEBRUARY IN ZACATECAS, MEXICO An emotional event took place this morning in the city of Zacatecas, Mexico, in order to celebrate the Day of Mexican Flag. CIOFF® Council has been invited to participate to this official ceremony which has been chaired by the Governor of the State, Mr. Miguel Alonso Reyes.
At the end of the act, the Governor welcomed, especially, all the CIOFF® Council members and open the photographic session with them; this fact underlines the importance place of CIOFF® for the State of Zacatecas.
A lot of citizens and tourists came in to watch the emotional ceremony performed by the National Army and the educational institutions as main players. An intense cremation ceremony of the flags of different organisms, that had suffered damage, took place during the event.
A 10x30 meters flag was flaming in the air: it was a great show especially for those people who don't know this particular ritual..
CIOFF® Council has been chaired by its World President, Mr. Philippe Beaussant.

Date of publication: 24.02.2016


CIOFF® EXCO and Council Meeting will take place in Zacatecas, Mexico from 21ST to 27th February. Zacatecas is a host city of CIOFF® World Folkloriada 2016, which will take place in August 2016.
During their stay in Mexico the Council Members will also meet with Folkloriada Organising Committee and will visit the site of the Folkloriada 2016. A great meeting id coming up!

Date of publication: 12.02.2016


MR. VASJA SAMEC AWARDED IN THE NATIONAL ORDER OF MERIT BY THE PRESIDENT OF REP. OF SLOVENIA Great news for the world of Folklore: Mr. Vasja Samec from Maribor, Slovenia, has been decorated with the National Order of Merit by the President of the Republic of Slovenia for his work in the field of folklore all over the country during 50 years. The Official Ceremony took place in the Presidential Palace on 23rd October 2015. Many important persons were present like a Minister of Culture and also members from CIOFF® Slovenia Executive Committee.The Folk group “Student” from Maribor presented a great performance during the Ceremony.
CIOFF® congratulates Ms. Vasja Samec for his important work done during all his life and expresses gratitude for let Slovenian folklore alive for so long time.

Date of publication: 31.10.2015


YOUNG PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD MET IN PARIS DURING THE 9th UNESCO YOUTH FORUM 9th UNESCO Youth Forum has been held in Paris from 26th to 28th October 2015. In the Headquarter of UNESCO, young people coming from all over the world met all together to discuss about a very important topic such the Climate Change which is affecting world wide, especially poor sides of the planet.
CIOFF® President, Philippe Beaussant has attended the Forum and he stated that the event has been a great opportunity for youth coming from all over the world to meet each others, to exchange good practices, committing themselves as global citizens, to share ideas which would contribute to a creation of a sustainable planet in the near future.

Date of publication: 31.10.2015


In the historical Hall of the National University of San Augustin, a very interesting Cultural Conference took place during the 45th CIOFF® World Congress and General Assembly in Arequipa on October 15th. The Cultural Conference was divided into 2 parts: the first one was moderated by CIOFF® Representative to UNESCO, Mrs. Magdalena Tovornik. Mr. Philippe Beaussant, CIOFF® President and also Secretary of Liaison Committee NGOs-UNESCO, had a speech concerning the relationship between NGOs and UNESCO and the new cultural plan for the future. Another great speech regarding Intangible Cultural Heritage of Peru and the link to the modern civil society was presented by the Coordinator of Cultural Sector of UNESCO Peruvian Commission who exposed a great PP Presentation to the audience of the Conference.
The second part of the Cultural Conference moderated by Prof. Beatriz Sangoy ,also Chairperson of CIOFF® Cultural Commission, gave to the audience other two unique speeches concerning Intangible Cultural Heritage of Peru: Marinera Dance presented by President of CIOFF® Peru, Mr. Luciano Revoredo and the Q’ero Culture of Cusco Region, still alive traditional Community living not so far from Cusco exposed by Dr. Regis Andrade Oblitas.
We can say that this Cultural Conference would be defined as one of the most memorable and enriching experience for CIOFF®!

Date of publication: 16.10.2015

CIOFF® Representatives awarded as Illustrious Guests in Arequipa

CIOFF® Representatives awarded as Illustrious Guests in Arequipa Arequipa became the world center of Folklore, as the 45th CIOFF® World Congress was launched. CIOFF® is the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Traditional Arts. Managers of cultural organizations from all the over the world are expected.
On Tuesday 13th October, The Mayor of the city of Arequipa, Dr. Alfredo Zegarra Tejada, delivered a “Declaration of Illustrious Guests” to Mr. Philippe Beaussant, CIOFF® President, Prof. Alcides Hugo Ifran, Vice President for Cultural Affairs of CIOFF®, Mr. Luciano Revoredo, President of National Section of Peru, and the National Delegate of CIOFF® Peru, Mr. Humberto Valdivia Yoplac.
Members of CIOFF® Executive Committee, Mr. Norbert Muller, Vice President for Administrative Affairs; Secretary General, Mrs. Olga Maloney, Mr. Esa Vilhonen, the Treasurer, Members of the CIOFF® Council, Youth Commissions and many National Delegates were also attending the ceremony. Members of CIOFF® Peru who are working hard to organize this great event, welcomed all CIOFF® Guests in the Municipality of Arequipa.
During his vibrant speech, CIOFF® President, Mr. Philippe Beaussant, not only thanked the Mayor for the honorary award but also for support the Municipality is offering to the organizers of the Congress in this welcoming city.
The President of CIOFF® Peru, Mr. Luciano Revoredo, applauded the quick and efficient response of the Mayor to CIOFF® Members when the Municipality accepted the proposal to organize the Congress in Arequipa. In turn, the Mayor expressed his pleasure for CIOFF® decision to organize the annual meeting in Arequipa and showed commitment in continuing to support cultural activities. He also highlighted that the famous event called FESTIDANZA has been taking place in Arequipa for many years.
Let’s point out that the Peruvian National Anthem, and Arequipa’s Anthem were respectively sung with fervor for the opening and the closing of the protocol ceremony. The ceremony finished with a great performance of the typical dance “Montonero Arequipeño”!

Date of publication: 14.10.2015


GREAT SUCCESS OF THE CONFERENCE  CIOFF® AFRICA IN FOUMBAN - CAMEROON   FROM 25th TO 27th SEPTEMBER 2015 The Conference organized during the last week in the city of Foumban by National Section of Cameroon, has achieved a standing ovation among African cultural actors. During this Conference, a Forum on Cultural Diversity and the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures related with the 2005 UNESCO Convention has took place.
Another great attainment is The Creation of the African CIOFF® Sector. In the year of 45th Anniversary of CIOFF® and 70th Anniversary of UNESCO, this creation is a very important result for our Organizations.
CIOFF® has been represented during the Conference by Philippe Beaussant, World President; Magdalena Tovornik, Representative to UNESCO and Jean Roche, Honorary Member of CIOFF® and past CIOFF® Representative to UNESCO until 2010.
This is not only an achievement of Africa but a world one and we all proud to celebrate with our African friends!

Date of publication: 29.09.2015

Liaison Committee NGO-UNESCO and Ms. Irina Bokova – Director-General of UNESCO visited the XI National Festival of Bulgarian Folklore in Koprivshtitsa listed in ICH of Bulgaria

Liaison Committee NGO-UNESCO and Ms. Irina Bokova – Director-General of UNESCO visited the XI National Festival of Bulgarian Folklore in Koprivshtitsa listed in ICH of Bulgaria Sozopol Foundation in Bulgaria organized an International Round Table: “70 YEARS UNESCO – PEACE THROUGH EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND CULTURE” in Sofia in collaboration with National Commission of Bulgaria for UNESCO, the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage and National Palace of Culture.
Representatives of the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee have participated to the Forum and Philippe Beaussant, World President of CIOFF® and Member of the Liaison Committee was present too. All representatives, also, have visited, on 7th August, the XI National Festival of Bulgarian Folklore in Koprivshtitsa, which in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Bulgaria. The Festival celebrated its 50th Anniversary and it had the honor to be opened by Ms. Irina Bokova – Director-General of UNESCO which was also the Patron of the Festival. The town of Koprivshtitsa is a very peculiar: it is a expression of Bulgarian culture and traditions and the Festival represents, greatly, this important national Heritage.

Date of publication: 15.09.2015

Conference CIOFF® Africa

Conference CIOFF®  Africa Forum / Conference / CIOFF® Africa / Cameroon

By decision of the CIOFF® World Organization, CIOFF® Cameroon has the honor to organize, from 25th to 28th September 2015 in the city of Foumban, Noun Department, Western Region of Cameroon, the International Forum / CIOFF® Conference.


? Forum on Cultural Diversity and the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures related with the 2005 UNESCO Convention.
? The creation of the African CIOFF® Sector.


Foumban is the capital of the NOUN department, it is located in the western region of Cameroon. It's a historical, touristic city, also called "city of arts". The population is very welcoming and has within itself a cultural diversity.
Language: the official languages are French and English and the local language is the Bamun and the "Shu Mom" a language invented by the famous king NJOYA.
Climate: temperatures vary between 40° C and 25° C. Suitable clothing against the cold and the rain is advisable.
Currency: the currency used is the CFA franc. The currency exchange transactions can be made at the airport or in the local banks. Banks close on Saturdays at 12:00 and are closed on Sundays.


The forum/conference will be held in Foumban and the opening of the forum/conference will be made by the Minister of Arts and Culture and His Majesty Senator MBOMBO Njoya Ibrahim, Sultan King of Bamuns, and attended by the President of the UNESCO National Commission (Madam Minister of Education of Base), the representative of UNESCO and the President of CIOFF® World Organization.

Arrivals by plane: Douala International Airport is the best option.


General Informations, Official Invitations for the Forum/Conference:
Prince Isaac YAMEKUE, CIOFF® Cameroon President
Email: yamekue2000@yahoo.fr - Phone number + 237 675 648 748

Organisation of the FORUM/CONFERENCE
Email: cioff.cameroun.cioff@gmail.com - Phone number + 237 699 852 351

Picture caption >> Palace of the Bamun Kings

CIOFF® Cameroon - Phone number + 237 675 648 748 / +237 699 852 351
Email: yamekue2000@yahoo.fr / cioff.cameroun.cioff@gmail.com

Date of publication: 08.09.2015


CIOFF® YOUTH GREECE, IN COLLABORATION WITH NAOUSSA MUNICIPALITY, CELEBRATES 70th ANNIVERSARY OF UNESCO – 45th ANNIVERSARY OF CIOFF® 45 YEARS OF COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (Naoussa, September 475, 2015) Municipality of Heroic city of Naoussa in cooperation with the Greek Commission of CIOFF® YOUTH is organizing an event for the 70th anniversary of UNESCO and the 45th anniversary of CIOFF®.
The anniversary events will be realized at 4-5 September 2015. Specifically, at 5 September 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in the Center of Industrial Cultural Heritage “ERIA”, the official speech will take place. Mrs. Magdalena Tovornik, Representative of CIOFF® in UNESCO and Mrs. Maria–Aikaterini Papaxristopoulou Tzitzikosta, President of the Greek National Commission of UNESCO will be the two honorable guests and official speakers. Mr. Papapesios Nikolaos, Vice President for Cultural Affairs in Youth CIOFF® Council, is the coordinator of the anniversary events.
The main objective of the Municipality of Heroic City of Naoussa in cooperation with Greek Commission of CIOFF® is to celebrate the two important anniversaries in our town and to approach and get to know the purpose and the work that is done in an international cultural level. It’s an honor for our Municipality that both anniversaries will be celebrated here.

Date of publication: 05.09.2015

CIOFF® 45th Anniversary and UNESCO 70th Anniversary

CIOFF® 45th Anniversary and UNESCO 70th Anniversary CIOFF® celebrates its 45th Anniversary and all CIOFF® Festivals in 2015 are on the list of the events on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of UNESCO

Date of publication: 25.06.2015

Candidacy of CIOFF® President to the Presidency of UNESCO International Conference of NGOs

Candidacy of CIOFF® President to the Presidency of UNESCO International Conference of NGOs Dear Colleagues from UNESCO NGO partners,
I am honored to present my candidature for the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee Presidency.
Over the last few years, as part of my activities within CIOFF® (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts), I have had the opportunity to watch the collective work of partner NGOs as well as that of the UNESCO. During the last twelve months, the participation in the preparation of the Forum on the Role of Youth in the Safeguarding of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage, and then in the Forum itself, allowed me to become actively involved in collective work with NGOs and the UNESCO and gave me the motivation to contribute more significantly to this through the Liaison Committee.
It was not only the collective work within the preparation group but also the energy that emanated from the participant NGOs that encouraged me to look further and motivates me to become more deeply involved in order to work together and to continue the dynamic work of the last two years by President Patrick Gallaud and the members of the Liaison Committee.
I am lucky to live my passion while practicing my profession. I have built my active life in an NGO whose activity fascinates me. I am 48 years old, I live in Paris, and I am the current director of the International Festival “Crossed Cultures in Île de France” and President of CIOFF®, official partner NGO of UNESCO.
With this enthusiasm and thanks to CIOFF®, I would like to highlight my international experiences within a network of more than 110 countries which strive for cultural diversity and for a dialogue of peace and tolerance throughout the world.
I would like to see an even more active Liaison Committee, able to represent all the NGOs and to mobilize the force of all our NGOs for the years to come. The work has already been initiated by the Liaison Committee and by its current President in order to give a greater visibility to the NGOs, we must follow this path to highlight the importance of the work of the NGOs and to ensure that UNESCO values our work and our contribution since without the NGOs and civil society, it will be difficult to establish strong connections from the grassroots level.
The activities of the NGO Liaison Committee should be in acquaintance with the priorities of the UNESO and cover the spectrum of all of the activities of the members of the NGOs in order to reflect of the true problems in current civil society and all over the world.
We should work even more with the UNESCO National Commissions in favor of the Liaison Committee and the coordination of a collective work of the NGOs.
I therefore commit to all that, you can count on my force of conviction, my vitality and my sense of team work for all our NGOs to be represented as well as possible within UNESCO for an even more important and efficient partnership.
Thank you for your trust!
I hope to see you all on next December 15, 16 and 17.
Best wishes,
Philippe Beaussant
President of CIOFF®

Date of publication: 11.12.2014

45th CIOFF® World Congress 2015

45th CIOFF® World Congress 2015 45th CIOFF® World Congress and to host Delegates from more than 100 Countries in Arequipa , Peru, October 10 – 18, 2015

> 45th CIOFF® World Congress

Date of publication: 05.12.2014

44th CIOFF® World Congress and 6th Youth Forum to host Delegates from 100 Countries in Bautzen, Germany, October 16 – 26, 2014

44th CIOFF® World Congress and 6th Youth Forum to host Delegates from 100 Countries  in Bautzen, Germany, October 16 – 26, 2014 The 44th CIOFF® annual World Congress and 6th Youth Forum will be held in Bautzen, Germany,
October 16 – 26, 2014. Organizers expect about 200 people representing 100 member countries to attend, with delegates traveling from far away to this historic city, located in Eastern Germany near Dresden. The 44th CIOFF® World Congress is hosted by CIOFF® Germany, led by President Mr. Norbert Mueller, in collaboration with the city of Bautzen, and CIOFF® members: Domowina, Sorbisches National Ensemble and Sorbische Volkstanzgruppe Schmerlitz.

Since 2012, CIOFF® has been working in Official Partnership with UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and is accredited to provide advisory service to the Committee of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. UNESCO Director General Ms. Irina Bokova emphasized during the 2012 CIOFF® World Congress in Paris that “UNESCO and CIOFF® share the same goal: to promote the diversity of cultural expressions and raise the potential for human development.”

This CIOFF® World Congress continues the work to safeguard intangible cultural heritage all over the world. These once yearly assemblies are also celebrations of diversity and tolerance. A very important component of the World Congress is the 6th CIOFF® Youth Forum which will take place simultaneously at the Youth Hostel Gerberbastei, also in Bautzen. More than 30 youth members are expected to participate from as many countries.

The Congress, the CIOFF® Cultural Conference and the concluding evening event will take place in the German-Sorbian Volkstheater. Other meetings and events such as Council Meeting, the meetings of the CIOFF® Sectors, Commissions and Committees will take place at Serbski Dom.

Founded in 1970, CIOFF® is now represented in over 100 different countries in which there are more than thirty thousand folklore dance and music groups and folk arts organizations. Today CIOFF ® globally coordinates over 300 annual international folklore and folk arts festivals, uniting thousands of volunteers around the world with its mission to encourage cultural exchange in order to promote a growing spirit of friendship and peace.

For more information about The 44th CIOFF® annual World Congress and 6th Youth Forum, please visit http://2014.cioff.de/index.php/en/. To learn more about the work of CIOFF ® please visit www.cioff.org or email: info@cioff.org.

Date of publication: 10.09.2014

Spring EXCO and Council Meetings in San Jose, Costa Rica

CIOFF® EXCO and Council meetings will take place in San Jose, Costa Rica, March 23 - 30, 2014. Hosted by CIOFF® Costa Rica and organized by Hans Leiton Guitierrez, the meeting has received official recognition by the President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Laura Chinchilla Miranda. Costa Rica Minister of Culture, Manuel Obregon, has also pledged support. That the government of the Republic of Costa Rica endorses and supports CIOFF® is an indication of the good work of CIOFF® Costa Rica and is a great achievement!

Date of publication: 10.03.2014

New CIOFF® Officers Elected During 2013 World Congress

New CIOFF® Officers Elected During 2013 World Congress Important outcomes from the CIOFF ® General Assembly in Zacatecas included elections of new officers. The following officers were elected: President Philippe Beaussant (France), Secretary General Olga Maloney (United Kingdom) and Vice President for Administration, Norbert Mueller (Germany) were newly elected. Vice President of Culture, Professor Alcides Hugo Ifran (Argentina) and Treasurer Esa Vilhonen (Finland) were re-elected. Beatriz Sangoy (Argentina) was elected as Chair of the Cultural Commission, Namyong Kim (South Korea) was elected as Chair of the Festivals Commission, and Karen Babcock (USA) was elected Chair of the Communications and Public Relations Commission.

Participants from 60 countries were treated to performances of Mexican Mariachi bands and dancers, including a special “fashion” show of traditional dress styles worn throughout the regions of Mexico. Attendees also enjoyed tours of this UNESCO World Heritage city and museums of Zacatecas as well as Day of the Dead celebrations.

Date of publication: 30.11.2013

CIOFF® Folkloriada 2016 to take place in Zacatecas, Mexico

CIOFF® Folkloriada 2016 to take place in Zacatecas, Mexico During the World Congress 2013, it was announced that the CIOFF® flagship event, Folkloriada, would take place in Zacatecas, Mexico in July 2016. The Governor of the State of Zacatecas, Miguel Alejandro Alonso Reyes, was joined by CIOFF® Mexico President Professor Alejandro Camacho and CIOFF® Past-President Udomsak Sakmunwong, President Philippe Beaussant, Secretary General Olga Maloney and Council Members, to sign the agreement. The Folkloriada Festival is held every 4 years in a different host country, featuring dancers and musicians from about 70 countries in an extravagant celebration of the world’s rich, diverse folklore and CIOFF® International’s work to promote intangible cultural heritage.

Date of publication: 30.11.2013

43rd CIOFF® World Congress in Zacatecas, Mexico, October 26 – November 2, 2013

43rd CIOFF® World Congress in Zacatecas, Mexico, October 26 – November 2, 2013 The 43rd CIOFF® annual World Congress was held in Zacatecas, Mexico, October 26 - November 2, 2013. The Congress was graciously hosted by CIOFF® Mexico, led by President Professor Alejandro Camacho.

Since 2012, CIOFF ® has been working in Official Partnership with UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and is accredited to the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. As such, both the 2013 CIOFF® World Congress received High Patronage of UNESCO. UNESCO Director General Mme Irina Bokova emphasized during the 2012 World Congress in Paris that “UNESCO and CIOFF® share the same goal: to promote the diversity of cultural expressions and raise the potential for human development.”

Date of publication: 30.11.2013

CIOFF® EXCO & Council Meeting - Spring 2014

CIOFF® EXCO & Council Spring Meeting will take place between 23rd and 30th March 2014 in San Jose, Costa Rica, organised by CIOFF® Costa Rica National Section.

Date of publication: 26.09.2013

New CIOFF® Book Published-- Folklore Songs of Children of the World

CIOFF® International announces the publication of a new book, Folklore Songs of Children of the World. Published on the 10th Anniversary of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, it includes 124 songs from 56 countries.

As a project of the CIOFF® Working Group for Children, the researchers collected materials for many years. Songs include musical scores with lyrics both in the original languages and translated into English. Folklore Songs of Children of the World is published by CIOFF® Poland as Volume XI in the Publication Series Cultural Heritage.

Date of publication: 19.09.2013

CIOFF® EXCO & Council Meeting

CIOFF® EXCO & Council Meeting  CIOFF® EXCO and Council Meeting took place in Lampang and Chaingmai hosted by CIOFF® Thailand. The Joint meeting of Festivals Commission and Working Group on Public Relations also took place prior to the EXCO and Council meetings.
All the meetings were extremely productive, with the main focus on the New CIOFF® Strategy, National Sections questionnaire and changes to CIOFF® Internal Regulations.
The meetings were extremely well organised and hosted and the hospitality experienced by all the delegates was overwhelming. The delegates were treated to a very memorable visit to Elephant Preservation Centre, Mae Mo panorama, attended the spectacular Opening ceremony of “Salungluang Klongyai Peemai Mueng“ (Songkran Festival) and experience the Thai New Year celebrations.

Date of publication: 19.09.2013

Winners 3rd CIOFF® Photocompetition

“The results of the 3rd CIOFF Photo Competition 2012

The judging of the 3rd CIOFF Photo Competition 2012 took place at the Council Meeting in Thailand.

Congratulations to all the winners!!!

The diplomas will be presented to all the winners at CIOFF World Congress and General Assembly in Zacatecas (Mexico) and distributed through relevant CIOFF National Sections.”

To see the winners please see

> Winners 3rd CIOFF® Photocompetition

Date of publication: 05.06.2013

42nd CIOFF® World Congress and Youth Forum Hosts 60 Countries in Paris, November 8 – 17, 2012

42nd CIOFF® World Congress and Youth Forum Hosts 60 Countries in Paris, November 8 – 17, 2012 The 42nd CIOFF® annual World Congress and General Assembly were held in Paris, November 11-17, 2012 at the Centre International de Sejour Maurice Ravel (CISP). Over 200 people from 60 countries took part, with delegates traveling from as far away as New Zealand and Japan. CIOFF® Congress was preceded by CIOFF® Youth Forum, both of which were graciously hosted by CIOFF® France, led by its President Anne-Marie Ciolfi and CIOFF® International Secretary General Philippe Beaussant in partnership with La Ligue de l’Enseignement.

The year 2012 marked an important achievement for CIOFF®, as it has become a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Official Partnership with UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) accredited to the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. As such, both the World Congress and Youth Forum received for the first time High Patronage of UNESCO. UNESCO Director General Mme Irina Bokova addressed the Congress delegates during the Opening Ceremony via a specially recorded video message, in which she acknowledged the contribution of CIOFF® to the safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Mme Bokova lauded the organization's engagement of, and commitment to the youth, and she emphasised that UNESCO and CIOFF® share the same goal: to promote the diversity of cultural expressions and raise the potential for human development.

Among the main items discussed at the CIOFF® General Assembly were CIOFF® work in partnership with UNESCO, results of CIOFF® World Folkloriada 2012 in Anseong, Republic of Korea, as well as adoption of the New CIOFF® Structure. Three new countries: Kirgizstan, Quwait and Saudi Arabia were accepted as Corresponding Members of CIOFF®.

CIOFF Youth Forum
CIOFF® Youth presented their new edition of Playing Together Magazine, which was prepared for the Traditional Games day at CIOFF® World Folkloriada. The youths present at the Forum elected a new Youth Coordination Committee and determined the new two-year workplan, emphasizing the importance of expanding the CIOFF® Youth Movement.
CIOFF® Cultural Conference
The CIOFF® Cultural Conference, an integral part of the World Congress, took place November 15 and was dedicated to safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage with presentations by UNESCO Chief, Intangible Cultural Heritage Section, Cecile Duvelle; Anthropologist Chiara Bortolotto, Université Libre de Bruxelles; Diego Gradis, Lawyer, past president of “Traditions for Tomorrow” and Member of the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee; Jean Audouze, President, French National Commission for UNESCO; Mario Garcia Siani, President of CIOFF® Paraguay and Ramiro Mansutti, Chairman of CIOFF® Youth Coordination Committee and acting Chairman of the CIOFF Cultural Commission. Magdalena Tovornik, CIOFF® Representative to UNESCO and Guy Landry, CIOFF® Honorary Member moderated the discussions following the presentations. In her presentation Mme Cecile Duvelle stated that the “recognition of UNESCO means CIOFF® is doing meaningful and important work.” She further supported CIOFF®’s mission, saying that educating communities puts a value on Intangible Cultural Heritage.

CIOFF® Forum
The Open Forum at the Congress was dedicated to Intellectual Property and the Safeguarding of Traditional Cultures : Challenges and Opportunities for Folklore Festivals" which was presented by the WIPO representative, Mme Brigitte Vezina.

During the Congress all the participants attended a Civic Reception at the Paris City Hall, housed in the historic Hotel de Ville de Paris on the river Seine. The Congress culminated in a CIOFF® Presentation Night at the UNESCO Theatre, attended by 1200 people, including Permanent Representatives of different countries to UNESCO. The CIOFF® President, Dr. Udomsak Sakmungvong (Thailand), made a short presentation of CIOFF®, which was followed by a concert from the newly established CIOFF® France Music and Dance Ensemble.

Date of publication: 05.12.2012

Accreditation of CIOFF®

During the UNESCO meeting in PARIS on June 7, CIOFF® has been officially accredited by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Non - Governmental Organization (NGO) to provide advisory services to the Committee.

This will open new possibilities for CIOFF® activities in the field of Intangible Cultural Heritage and strengthen its cooperation with UNESCO.

Date of publication: 05.12.2012

CIOFF World Folkloriada 2012 gets UNESCO Patronage

Great News! CIOFF World Folkloriada 2012 in ANSEONG, SOUTH KOREA is awarded High Patronage of UNESCO !
This is a great recognition of CIOFF work and contribution to the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage around the World.
The CIOFF World Folkloriada will take place in Anseong from 1st to 14th October 2012

Date of publication: 04.09.2012

3rd CIOFF® Photocompetion launched

The 3rd CIOFF® Photocompetion was launched on Friday, May 10, 2012. The new deadline is: 1st December 2012
For more information please see

> 3rd CIOFF® Photocompetion

Date of publication: 11.05.2012

CIOFF® EXCO and Council Meeting in Iskele, Cyprus

CIOFF® EXCO and Council Meeting in Iskele, Cyprus CIOFF® EXCO and Council Meeting in Iskele, Cyprus
March 26th- April 1st

CIOFF® EXCO and Council Meeting took place in beautiful surroundings of Kaya Artemis Hotel in Iskele, Cyprus. The Joint meeting of Festivals Commission and Working Group on Public Relations also took place prior to the EXCO and Council meetings.

All the meetings were extremely productive, with the main focus on the New CIOFF® Structure and Strategy, relations of National Sections with UNESCO National Commissions, forthcoming Folkloriada 2012 in Anseong, South Korea and changes to CIOFF® By-Laws

The meetings were extremely well organised and hosted and the hospitality experienced by all the delegates was overwhelming. The delegates were treated to Traditional Turkish Cypriot Night – Costume Show, Traditional Turkish Cypriot Musics and Henna & Shaving night show of Iskele Municipality Folk Dance Group in ISKELE ATATURK CULTURE CENTER, trip to historical sites in Famagusta, visit to MELANDRA HOUSE Cultural Centre and performance by the Iskele Munisipality Folk Dance Group after the final reception.

We would like to thank our Hosts in Iskele for the outstanding organisation and wonderful hospitality. We all felt very welcomed and the memories of our stay in Iskele will remain with us forever.

Date of publication: 21.04.2012

International CIOFF® Cultural Conference

International CIOFF® Cultural Conference
„Ethno-pedagogy and contemporary education of children”
in the frame of XX International Festival of Children’s Folklore Ensembles
“Children of Mountains”
Poland – Nowy Sacz, 22 –29 July 2012.

> Documents for International CIOFF® Cultural Conference

Date of publication: 01.03.2012

CIOFF®/ UNESCO Meetings in PARIS / 6th December 2011

CIOFF®/ UNESCO Meetings in PARIS / 6th December 2011 CIOFF®/ UNESCO Meetings in PARIS / 6th December 2011
CIOFF® Delegation (Anne-Marie Ciolfi, President of CIOFF® France, Magdalena Tovornik CIOFF® Representative to UNESCO and Philippe Beaussant, CIOFF® Secretary General) was received by the Director General of UNESCO Mrs. Irina Bokova at Headquarters of UNESCO in Paris on the 6th of December 2011. The aim of this very important UNESCO–CIOFF®high level official meeting was to inform the Director General about CIOFF® activities in general and more specifically to present her the program of next CIOFF® World Congress which will be held in Paris, November 2012. CIOFF®–NGO with Consultative Relations with UNESCO and recently also accredited to the Convention for Saveguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, invited UNESCO Director General Mrs. Irina Bokova to have an opening speech at CIOFF® World Congress in Paris, to participate at our Cultural Conference and to organize together the Gala evening of French Folklore in UNESCO Headquarters. To our greatest pleasure all these proposals were accepted.
We also informed Mrs. Irina Bokova and Mrs.Cécile Duvelle (Culture sector, Chief of section of Intangible Cultural Heritage) about CIOFF® efforts to work better with Africa and about our permanent work for peace and mutual understanding in today's world of political, religious and cultural diversity. Sharing these UNESCO and CIOFF® values she expressed her readiness also to grant UNESCO patronage to some of our important festival activities.
The CIOFF® Delegation (Anne-Marie Ciolfi, President of CIOFF France, Magdalena Tovornik CIOFF® Representative to UNESCO and Philippe Beaussant, CIOFF® Secretary General) had a meeting with Mr. Jean Audouze, the President of UNESCO National Commission of France in Paris, 6.th of December. We informed Mr. Audouze about CIOFF® France activities in general and expressed our wish to work closely with UNESCO Commission especially in the domain of Intangible Cultural Heritage. CIOFF®also invited the Commission to participate to the Cultural Conference during next CIOFF® Congress in Paris, November 2012. This meeting had a very positive result and we hope to open a new page of good CIOFF® - UNESCO National Commission cooperation.

Date of publication: 12.12.2011

CIOFF® Honorary Member FRANCOIS GOUAUD Passes Away

CIOFF® Honorary Member FRANCOIS GOUAUD Passes Away CIOFF® Family is losing one of his Honorary Member FRANCOIS GOUAUD from France ! He passed away last Friday 21 of October 2011; he was recording Secretary of CIOFF® from the foundation 1970 until 1992; On behalf of CIOFF® Council we would like to convey our condolences to the Family of François... !

Philippe Beaussant, CIOFF® Secretary General

Date of publication: 24.10.2011

2011 CIOFF® SPRING EXCO & COUNCIL MEETING, 27thApril – 1st May 2011 Waynesville, North Carolina, USA

2011 CIOFF® SPRING EXCO & COUNCIL MEETING, 27thApril – 1st May 2011 Waynesville, North Carolina, USA FOLKMOOT USA played host to the 2011 CIOFF® EXCO & Council Meeting, and Joint Meeting of the Festivals Commission and Working Group on Public Relations, which took place in Waynesville, North Carolina, USA from 27th April to 1st May 2011.
The meeting was extremely well organized by volunteers and staff of FOLKMOOT USA and all the delegates were overwhelmed by the host’s hospitality. All Council sessions took place in FOLKMOOT Friendship Centre, the home of FOLKMOOT USA.
The delegates were also treated to spectacular sight seeing tours along Smoky Mountains National Park, Blue Ridge Parkway, Museum of the Charokee Indians, the Folk Arts Center and the city of Asheville and entertained by Cloggers and Bluegrass Musicians
We are extremely grateful FOLKMOOT USA and especially to Rolf Kaufman and Karen Babcock for their warm hospitality, excellent organisation and for giving all of us a memorable experience we will all treasure.

Date of publication: 14.05.2011

CIOFF® on Twitter

CIOFF® is now only Twitter as CIOFF_NGO. Please follow us for all the latest CIOFF® news from around the World.

> CIOFF_NGO on Twitter

Date of publication: 14.05.2011


CIOFF® FOUNDER HENRI COURSAGET PASSSES AWAY It is with great sadness that CIOFF® announces the passing of its beloved founder, Henri Coursaget. He passed away Monday, March 21 in his hometown of Confolens, France, after a brief illness. He was 86 years of age,

In 1970 Mr. Coursaget invited a group of his colleagues in Festival management from throughout Europe, to meet with him to explore his idea of forming an Association binding together Folklore Festivals in a common endeavor to emphasize and expand the sharing of cultural traditions among countries, in the hope that, thereby, the cause of World Peace could be significantly enhanced. This was the beginning of CIOFF®, which is today represented in ninety countries around the world, with over three hundred international Folklore Festivals bearing its seal of approval. Significantly, in the early days of CIOFF®, under Henri’s leadership, the organization distinguished itself by accomplishing the exchange of cultural traditions across the previously nearly impenetrable Iron Curtain.

Mr. Coursaget served as CIOFF®’s President until 1989 and was subsequently awarded the permanent title of Honorary President. This was not just an empty title for Mr. Coursaget. He remained active as an inspirational leader for all of CIOFF®. As recently as November 2010, he attended the Fortieth Anniversary CIOFF® World Congress in Tahiti, where he addressed the assembled Delegates several times, especially on the topic of maintaining and emphasizing the spirit of working together across the borders of the world and allowing this theme to prevail over existing individualism.

Mr. Coursaget was also the founder of the well known Festival de Confolens in 1957. He retired from the active management of that large Festival at the time of its fiftieth anniversary in 2006. The present Director of Festival de Confolens is Mr. Philippe Beaussant, who is also Secretary General of CIOFF®.

CIOFF® National Sections and their members around the world will now take on the challenge of honoring the memory of Henri Coursaget with redoubled efforts to break down walls that exist between nations and between people, by means of the exchange of cultural traditions, asaccomplished through International Folklore Festivals, as well as by other means.

> The Death of a Dream Maker

Date of publication: 23.03.2011


40th CIOFF WORLD CONGRESS AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN TAHITI 40th CIOFF® World Congress and General Assembly took place in Papeete, Tahiti from 6th to 13th November 2010, attended by 30 CIOFF® National Sections with 12 proxy votes, 3 Associate Members and 2 Corresponding Members, in presence of CIOFF® honorary President and 3 Honorary Members.
CIOFF® Family was joined by seven new Members: Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ecuador, Ireland, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, who became Full Members of CIOFF® and Jordan - Associate Member, 60 Festivals around the World received re-newed CIOFF® Recognition.
Magdalena Tovornik was elected as a new CIOFF® Representative at UNESCO.
One of the main topics of Discussions was the New CIOFF® objectives, strategies and structure and the proposed transparency programme.
The agreement on 4th CIOFF® World Folkloriada between CIOFF®, CIOFF® Korea National Section and Hwang Eun Seong, Mayor of Anseong & Chairman of The Folkloriada Organizing Committee was signed in presence of all the delegates.
The Cultural Conference was dedicated to Anthology of Polynesian Culture and Rapprochement of Cultures.

Date of publication: 09.01.2011


CIOFF® WORLD FOLKLORIADA 2012 The National Section of Korea, the city of Anseong, the government of Korea and the Folkloriada Committee of Korea are working very hard to prepare CIOFF® Folkloriada 2012. In April 2010, CIOFF® Council, Festivals Commission and Folkloriada Working Group were in Anseong, Korea, to meet the organizers of CIOFF® Folkloriada 2012. A tour at the future site of CIOFF® Folkloriada 2012 was organized and a special show of the “Namsadang Nori” (UNESCO Treasure of Humanity) was presented on the permanent site of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the World in Anseong. A special reception was hosted by the Folkloriada Committee of Korea for the business people who will help for the financing of CIOFF® Folkloriada.
The permanent site of Intangible Cultural Heritage conceived in a perspective of sustainable development, is under construction. The site will include inside and outside theaters with four sides seating. It will also include a place for storytelling and for small musical presentations. Also, the site will have place for traditional games, handicraft, exhibitions and tasting of traditional dishes. A Hotel will be built on site. The outside stage is already completed and the inside theater is mostly finished. The second venue of CIOFF® Folkloriada 2012 is the same site as the Festival of Anseong, situated in the middle of the city, near the river. Roads and parking lots have been created for cars and buses. The construction of the site is aimed to become a tourist destination for Koreans and visitors from all around the World to discover Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Date of publication: 22.07.2010


CIOFF® FAMILY HELPS HAITI AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE After a massive earthquake devastated Haiti on January, 12th 2010, the 7.0 magnitude quake reduced much of the Capital Port-au- Prince into rubble, a city already lacking in basic health service. That was by far the worst disaster to hit the country in more then 200 years. Thousands were feared dead, while bloodied survivors gathered in the streets in search of much-need help.
CIOFF® made an appeal to all its members to contribute a small token of donation as gesture of family of CIOFF® to lighten the burden of our World-Fellows in Haiti. The CIOFF® Treasurer arranged special sub-account to collect the contribution from National Sections and send the donated money to Haiti to help with recovering from the catastrophe in Haiti.
The collection of donations to CIOFF® Haiti has been very favourable. The amount of 6274 Euros has been received to the account of which an amount of 6200 Euros has already been transferred to help Haiti via “Partners in Health”, an organization advised by the National Delegate of CIOFF® Haiti, Ms. Yvrose Green.
CIOFF® received a letter of thanks from “Partners in Health”.

Date of publication: 22.07.2010


2010 CIOFF® WORLD MEETING Anseong, South Korea 16th -24th April

Anseong, South Korea hosted the 2010 CIOFF® World Meeting of the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts, which included CIOFF® EXCO & Council Meeting, Meeting of the Asian and Oceanian Sector, Joint Meeting of the Festivals Commission and Working Group on Public Relations and Meeting of Folkloriada Working Group.
The meeting was extremely well organized by CIOFF® Korea National Section All sessions took place in Anseong, the host city of CIOFF® Folkloriada 2012, so all the delegates also had a chance to explore the future sites of Folkloriada, get a taste of Korean Culture and Hospitality, and meet with government officials.
The delegates were also treated to performance by famous dance and music folklore group Namsadang, tour of Folklore Village and other Cultural Tours.
We are extremely grateful to CIOFF® Korea for their warm hospitality, excellent organisation and for giving all of us the unique insight and unforgettable experience of the Korean culture and folklore.

Date of publication: 22.07.2010

VIEW of TAHITI from the Hotel Radisson ,

VIEW of TAHITI from the Hotel Radisson , hotel RADISSON
main place of the 40 th CIOFF World Congress 2010
7 to 15 November 2010

Date of publication: 12.02.2010


FRENCH POLYNESIA WELCOMES CIOFF WORLD CONGRESS From 7 to 15 November 2010 , TAHITI and THE FRENCH POLYNESIA , Moorea, Bora Bora ...( the Pearl of the Pacific) , will host the 2010 CIOFF WORLD CONGRESS and will celebrate at the same time the 40 th Aniversary of CIOFF! Organization = CIOFF TAHITI and FEMMES OCEANIENNES ; main place of the Congress =
Hotel Radisson in Papeete , Capital of TAHITI ! (photo)

Date of publication: 12.02.2010

Winners Photo Competition - Categorie Friendship

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Date of publication: 05.02.2010

Winners Photo Competition - Categorie Portrait

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Date of publication: 05.02.2010

Winners Photo Competition - Categorie Action

Winners Photo Competition - Categorie Action

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Date of publication: 07.01.2010

New CIOFF® Newsletter available

The CIOFF® Newsletter 01 2010 is now available.

> More ...

Date of publication: 02.01.2010

Photo Competition

Photo Competition Due to the huge success of the 1st CIOFF International Photo Competition in 2006, the Council has decided to hold another Photo Competition, which was launched at the CIOFF World Congress in Istanbul.

The organisers of 2nd CIOFF Photo Competition received the total of 468 entries from 93 Photographers from 31 Countries: 170 Entries in Action-Performance Category, 120 Entries in Friendships between Nations Category and 178 Entries in Portrait in National Costume Category.
The Judging of the Photo Competition will take place at the CIOFF World Congress in Havana on 10th November 2009 and will be done by the members of Festivals Commission and members of Working Group on Public Relations – an International Jury of 12 people from all over the World. In each Category the Photographs, which will receive the biggest score from all the Jury Members combined, will be pronounced as Winners.
Ten first places in each Category will receive CIOFF Diplomas, which will be handed to their respective CIOFF National Delegates. The announcement of the results and presentation ceremony will take place on 14th November 2009 at the Closing Ceremony of the CIOFF World Congress in Havana.

Date of publication: 28.07.2009

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