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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

Home > CIOFF® Festivals > Benefits for Festivals

Benefits for CIOFF® Festivals

In addition to the global advantages for all members, CIOFF developed during the last 40 years the following specific benefits for CIOFF Festivals:


Festivals Network and CIOFF Logo

Each year, CIOFF assures the coordination of about 250 CIOFF Festivals in more than 50 countries reaching some fifty thousand artists. For CIOFF Festival Organizers, this worldwide network represents opportunities of formal and informal contacts for exchange of ideas, for learning from other festivals’ experiences and for international cooperation.

The CIOFF Logo expresses the commonly shared cultural objectives, organizational quality and high artistic level of CIOFF Festivals.



  • All CIOFF Festivals are published in the printed annual CIOFF Calendar of Festivals.
  • All CIOFF Festivals are presented in the CIOFF web site: list of Festivals or search engine.
  • All CIOFF Festivals are promoted through the Global CIOFF Network and the annual PR program.
  • Each CIOFF Festival can have its own promotion page on the CIOFF web site.



In addition to the public information on CIOFF Festivals (Guidelines, Programs on stage, Annual Festivals Calendar, etc.), all CIOFF Festivals receive specific information through their respective National Section and Sector. With the present CIOFF web site, all CIOFF Festivals now have Intranet access to specific Festival Documents.



Training for CIOFF Festival Organizers

The Working Group on Training and Education and the Working Group on Children organize regularly conferences and workshops for CIOFF Festival Organizers. Also, during the annual CIOFF World Congress, Open Forums are dedicated to items related to the organizational and the cultural aspects of CIOFF Festivals.



All CIOFF Festivals have direct access to the “Festival Documents” published in Intranet. This chapter includes, among others, the Report on the Festivals, the Report on the Groups and the Problem list.


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