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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

Home > CIOFF® Folkloriadas

CIOFF® World Folkloriadas


What is the CIOFF World Folkloriada?

The CIOFF World Folkloriada is a worldwide festival that has as its aim to bring together representatives of intangible cultural heritage of all National Sections of CIOFF. Of equal importance is the performing of folk arts, such as dancing, singing and playing together among the participants.

The concept for a world folklore festival to be held every four years was proposed in 1991 in Haifa by Shmuel Bialik and accepted by CIOFF in 1993 in Dublin.


What are its objectives?

The main objectives of the CIOFF World Folkloriada are

  • To present an opportunity to showcase the whole world’s traditional heritage
  • To provide a participatory rather than a consumer model for Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • To further the aims of CIOFF and UNESCO in the dissemination and protection of traditional cultures
  • To promote mutual understanding and peace all over the world.


What kind of activities are included?

An important part of the CIOFF World Folkloriada activities are the artistic performances. According to the CIOFF definitions of traditional programs on the stage, a performance is considered as being of traditional culture if its content comes or is inspired from an intangible cultural heritage, namely;

  • transmitted from generation to generation;
  • constantly re-created by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and their history;
  • providing them with a sense of identity and continuity;
  • promoting respect of cultural diversity and human creativity.


The programs can be of authentic, elaborated or stylized expression.

Moreover, the CIOFF World Folkloriada also includes places for craftsmen’s work, places where the audience can play traditional games with the foreign participants, as well as places for lectures, traditional food and other expressions of traditional culture of each country. 


Who can participate?


The CIOFF National Sections have the responsibility to select groups which will represent them in the CIOFF World Folkloriada, according to the criteria established for the artistic performances, expositions and other activities proposed by the CIOFF World Folkloriada organizers.


Contact Folkloriada

The CIOFF Folkloriada Working Group:   wg-folkloriada@cioff.org
The hosting National Section:   cioff-korea@cioff.org
The CIOFF Folkloriada Web site:   www.2012Folkloriada.org



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