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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

Home > Search Events > List of Festivals > Sharjah Heritage Days

Sharjah Heritage Days


Sharjah Heritage Days started since 2003. It is a big cultural event abounding in Heritage activates that are filled with action, vivacity, knowledge, and entertainment. It was organized by Sharjah Institute for Heritage, and was timed to coincide with the UNESCO celebrations of the heritage world day on 18th of April every year.

During Sharjah Heritage Days, we regain the authenticity of the past, and let our sons be acquainted with the history of our grandfathers, and the history of their life which includes handicrafts, trades, customs, and traditions, as well as the hard life which does not look like our easy life.

At the same time it is a real expression of the identity of this people and a living embodiment of the emirates sons history which the other peoples get to know, those people of the world whether who come to the festival from its various parts or those who are interacting with it through the different mass media.


2.2025 - 3.

Next dates:  2.2026 - 3.


United Arab Emirates

Sharjah Institute for Heritage
Sharjah University Area
2258 Sharjah  (See in )



009716502666  009716508606


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