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Consejo Internacional de Organizaciones de Festivales de Folklore y de las Artes Tradicionales



CIOFF® es una Colaborador Oficial de la UNESCO, acreditado para el Comité PCI de la UNESCO. Creada en 1970, la tarea de CIOFF® es la protección, promoción y difusión de la cultura tradicional y del folclore.

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CIOFF website and mail system update.

(EN) We inform our members and interested parties that the current website is being updated as well as our email system. If you have queries about a National Section information, please reach to info@cioff.org

(ES) Informamos a nuestros miembros e interesados ??que el sitio web actual está siendo actualizado así como nuestro sistema de correo electrónico. Si tienen consultas sobre la información de una Sección Nacional, comuníquese con info@cioff.org

(FR) Nous informons nos membres et parties intéressées que le site Internet actuel est en cours de mise à jour ainsi que notre système de courrier électronique. Si vous avez des questions sur les informations d'une section nationale, veuillez contacter info@cioff.org

Fecha de publicación: 10.07.2024

Bruno Ravnikar – In memoriam

(written by Peter Suhadolc, Trieste - Italy)

We are hear to remember the Master, colleague and dear friend Bruno, very well known Slovenian choreographer, expert on chinetography and, overall, the folklore enthusiast who left us at the beginning of last June, at the venerable age of almost 93

Bruno was a physicist by profession with a doctorate in electrical sciences. Specializing in acoustics, he taught this discipline for many years at the University of Ljubljana and at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. He transferred this passion to the folklore field by intensively studying the acoustics of popular instruments.

He approached folklore in the 1950s by joining the Tine Rožanc group, of which he became director in 1957. Then in 1967 he founded the Emona group. He was therefore one of the pioneers after the Second World War in promoting folk dance. He researched and wrote down many Slovenian dances and created various choreographies for various Slovenian folk groups.

However, Bruno was best known for having introduced, for Slovenian folk dances, chinetography, a dance annotation technique. In fact he was one of the greatest specialists in this field worldwide. In 1969 he wrote his first manual on the choreography of folk dances and in 1980 his manual Kinetografija appeared, in which he also published 300 folk dances from the area of former Yugoslavia.

In 2004 he wrote his second book Kinetografija, ples in gib (Chinetography, dance and movements) perfecting the first manual and adding chinetographies of medieval and social dances.

On the initiative of the then president of the Italian Folklore Union, Bruno prepared, similar to the folklore seminars held in Slovenia and where folklore dances and chinetography are taught, a seminar dedicated to Italian folklore dances. This initiative took place in Russi, near Ravenna, from December 2006 to May 2007. The cooperation continued also in 2009 in a similar seminar held near Udine, were folklore dances from Friuli Venezia Giulia were studied. For those seminars a manual about chinetography, in Italian, was prepared. In the following years annotations of folklore dances from various Italian regions were prepared. This amount of work led to the publication in 2012 of the large book Chinetography and popular dance.
In 1970 Bruno Ravnikar was one of the founders of CIOFF®, International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts, of which after 50 years of commitment, first as the Yugoslavian and then Slovenian delegate, he became an honorary member.
After Slovenian independence, he founded the Zveza ljudskih tradicijskih skupin Slovenije (Union of Slovenian folk tradition groups), the Slovenian National Section of CIOFF®, of which he was president for many years.

Fecha de publicación: 11.09.2023

Expresión de Simpatía

Expresión de Simpatía

Con gran tristeza y dolor nos despedimos del difunto
Jerzy Chmiel
el ícono del CIOFF polaco y mundial, el presidente a largo plazo del presídium de la sección polaca de CIOFF y el primer vicepresidente de Conseil Internacional des Organisations de Festivals de Folklore et d'Arts Traditionnels.
A lo largo de casi toda su vida, se ha dedicado de lleno a la promoción de la música, la danza y la tradición del folclore polaco, así como a la protección del patrimonio cultural inmaterial.
Un hombre maravilloso, muy sensible, un verdadero amigo. Tendremos recuerdos de muchos fantásticos años de trabajo y de agradecimiento cordial y memoria de todos aquellos que tuvieron el honor de encontrarlo en los caminos de sus vidas.
Presídium de la Sección Polaca de CIOFF Consejo Internacional de Organizaciones de Festivales de Folklore y de las Artes Tradicionales
Les informamos que la ceremonia fúnebre tuvo lugar el 20 de abril de 2023 en Varsovia. Por voluntad del difunto sólo en presencia de la familia más cercana.
Transmitimos el pedido de la familia de no dar el pésame y no contactar a sus miembros.

Fecha de publicación: 23.04.2023

CIOFF® delegation in CIOFF® during the 17th Session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Commity held in Rabat, Morocco.

CIOFF® delegation in CIOFF® during the 17th Session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Commity held in Rabat, Morocco.

Successful week for CIOFF® during the 17th Session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Commity for Intangible Cultural Heritage safeguarding held in Rabat, Morocco.

Around 1000 people attended the meeting as well as 217 NGOs accredited to this Committee. As usual, Committee discussed more than 50 nominations to be put on the UNESCO ICH lists. Paralelly, the UNESCO ICH-NGO Forum had daily meetings including the elections of the Executive Board (new members from Europe, Asia and International NGO were elected).

CIOFF® delegation took part of Important achievements within the Committee and the ICH-NGO Forum meetings, which keep positiong us as a commited organization for ICH safeguarding:


Fecha de publicación: 02.12.2022

51st CIOFF World Congress in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco; Mexico.

51st CIOFF World Congress in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco; Mexico.

51st CIOFF World Congress in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco; Mexico.

We want to thank Dr. Ismael García Ávila, President of CIOFF Mexico and his entire team for his work in organizing such an important event.

See you in Puerto Vallarta
51e Congrès mondial du CIOFF à Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco ; Mexique.

Nous tenons à remercier le Dr Ismael García Ávila, président du CIOFF Mexique et toute son équipe pour leur travail dans l'organisation d'un événement aussi important.

Rendez-vous à Puerto Vallarta
Congreso Mundial de CIOFF en Puerto Vallarta , Jalisco; México.

Queremos dar las gracias al Dr. Ismael García Ávila, Presidente de CIOFF México y a todo su equipo por su trabajo en la organización de tan importante evento.

Nos vemos en Puerto Vallarta

Fecha de publicación: 19.10.2022

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