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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

Home > Search Events > List of Festivals > INTERNATIONALE FESTIVAL FOLKLORE 'ESTAM'-Kragujevac



ESTAM International folklore festival

The International Folklore Festival ESTAM, an event organized by Student Cultural CenterKragujevac, aims to present the richness and diversity of the dancing, singing and musical traditional heritage not only of Serbia, but world`s as well. The event takes place in front of diverse audience and they can actively contribute to its preservation, popularization and affirmation of rich forms of traditional heritage.
Through the integration of traditional cultural expressions from different countries, ESTAM festival strives to respect different nations cultural identities and promotes the importance of folklore forms in modern society.
The scheduled date of the festival is from July 29th to August 2nd . In 2023, for the first time Student Cultural CenterKragujevac was the organizer of the international folklore festival and participants from Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia and Mexico performed on the occassion.
By organizing this manifestation Student Cultural Centre contributes to the variety of cultural programs that city of Kragujevac offers. Visitors have a unique opportunity to see traditional heritage and cultures of countries from different parts of the world, but also to directly participate and learn some of the presented dances through workshops organized as additionalvalue content.
In addition to the concerts, as the festival`s central programme, there is also the participant`s parade which provokes numerous reactions. All of these are accompanied by music and song and all festival participantsperform parts of their choreographies at certain points along the route of the parade. The festivals` companion program consists of dance and music workshops, as well as traditional handicrafts bazaar and old crafts workshops.
The festival is on the list ofCIOFF`s National Festivals, which is the International Council of Folklore and Traditional Culture Festival Organizers.


29.07 - 02.08.2025



Radoja Domanovica 12
34000 Kragujevac  (See in )




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