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International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts

Home > Search Events > List of Festivals > Festival Internazionale del Folclore - Roccalumera

Festival Internazionale del Folclore - Roccalumera


An appointment with dances and voices from the world not to be missed, a festival of sounds and colors to strengthen the bonds of friendship between peoples in an ideal embrace of brotherhood and to break down all barriers representing an important moment of union.
The articulation of the event is formulated in such a way as to allow the widest participation of the public, in fact, the shows, mostly evening, are carried out in order to make the stay of the tourists in our IonianRiviera as pleasant as possible, as well as to favor from the tourist, Cultural and Social point of view the entire Ionian strip of the Province of Messina, with a very large audience during the shows being the only historical event of international folkloristic nature to be present in the summer program of the Roccalumera events.


28.07 - 03.08.2025



Via Umberto I°, 555
98027 Roccalumera  (See in )



+39 0942 744 254  +39 329 623 9052


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